selesai peperiksaan spm, aku cuba untuk cari pengalaman baru di negeri orang..
dengan alasan "nak jage" kakak aku yang mengandung kononnye.. sekurang2 nye alasan aku tu good deeds kan.. terlalu byk aku plan untuk 2010.. antaranya..
1. amek form6
2. keje
3. jage baby merah
4. buat lesen
yang nombor 1 dan 2 tu tak kesampaian.. manusia hanya mampu merancang, tapi tuhan yang tentukan..
thanks to those friends.. korang buat aku kembali hidup.. aku balik kelantan tahun depan, seminggu selepas kakak aku melahirkan anak sulungnye.. Insyallah..
So, kalau nak suruh aku balik cepat2, suruh kakak aku beranak cepat2.. senang citer..
Monday, December 28, 2009
mY FirSt sTeP awAy
the blossom of buds enhancing for a quite long in time
from there, a butterfly with its fullest grinning came across
it just woke up, i guess
it's alike
every dreams
a very fascinating dreams
challenge my soul to further the way
unlike before
the hardness i can feel
the strange, the pain, the difference
just because i am away
not at my very own sole place..
from there, a butterfly with its fullest grinning came across
it just woke up, i guess
it's alike
every dreams
a very fascinating dreams
challenge my soul to further the way
unlike before
the hardness i can feel
the strange, the pain, the difference
just because i am away
not at my very own sole place..
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Jangan buka kertas soalan sehingga diberitahu.
20 minit
15 Soalan
Jawab semua soalan
Dilarang senyum atau ketawa semasa menjawab, kalau tidak anda akan
1. Siapakah yang membuka Melaka?
a. Param
b. Parameswari
c. Paramugari Terlampau
d. Parameswara
e. Parang Kontot
2. Pada tahun 1771, seorang penjelajah Inggeris telah tiba di
sebuah kawasan yang dikenali sebagai New Hebrides, siapakah dia?
a. Kapten Hook
b. Kapten Crook
c. Kapten Cook
d. Kapten Cool
e. Kapten Boleh
3. Siapakah yang pernah menjadi pemerintah Sarawak?
a. Brooke Shields
b. James Beruk
c. James Bond
d. Sapok Biki
e. James Brooke
4. Siapakah yang membuka Pulau Pinang?
a. Torch Light
b. Traffic Light
c. Francisca Peters
d. Light and Easy
e. Francis Light
5. Salah seorang pahlawan melayu terbilang...
a. Tuk Janggut
b. Tuk Misai
c. Tuk Sideburn
d. Tuk Misai A Galak
e. Tuk Bulu Hidung
6. Pahlawan Melayu di Pahang..
a. Mat Kilau
b. Mat Silau
c. M Daud Kilau
d. Mat Sentul
e. Mat Rempit
7. Siapakah Residen Inggeris di Negeri Perak yang dibunuh oleh
Datuk Maharajalela?
a. Jawa Jerongos
b. J.W.W Birch
c. Jay Jay
d. J.W.Marriot
e.. Jawa Rangers
8. Negara manakah yang menjajah Tanah Melayu selepas Portugis?
a. Ayam Belanda
b. Bela Anda
c. Blender
d. Belanda
e. Blunder
9. Apakah antara hantaran yang diminta Puteri Gunung Ledang kepada
Sultan Melaka?
a. 7 dulang hati nyamuk
b. 7 dulang tongkeng ayam
c. 7 dulang tahi hidung
d. 7 dulang tahi palat
e. 7 dulang gigi arnab
10. Siapakah puteri Pahang yang mencintai Hang Tuah?
a. Tun Mahathir
b. Tan Tin Tun
c. Tun Tak Tahu Eja
d. Tun Teja
e. Arnold Susahanakeja
11. Siapakah puteri Negeri China yang berkahwin dengan Sultan
a. Puteri Hang Li Po
b. Puteri Kepala Hotak Hang!
c. Puteri Opah Hang!
d. Puteri Hang Go Poh
e. Puteri Hang Cing
12. Ikan apakah yang melanggar Singapura?
a. Ikan Bilis
b. Ikan Masin
c. Ikan Kembung Masak Asam
d. Ikan kekek mak iloi-iloi
e. Ikan Todak
13. Siapakah Ketua Kominis Malaya?
a. CIMB Bank
b. Chin Peng
c. Soh Chin Aun
d. Chim Pan Zee
e. Chin Chau
14. Siapakah diantara berikut adalah Laksamana Melaka yang
a. Hang Tuah
b. Hang Buah
c. Hang Limau Kasturi
d. Hang Kuah
e. Putera Shazlan
15. Laksamana manakah yang derhaka kepada Sultan Melaka?
a. Hang Sebat
b. Hang Lebat
c. Hang Jebat
d. Hang Berat
e. Ham Peh
20 minit
15 Soalan
Jawab semua soalan
Dilarang senyum atau ketawa semasa menjawab, kalau tidak anda akan
1. Siapakah yang membuka Melaka?
a. Param
b. Parameswari
c. Paramugari Terlampau
d. Parameswara
e. Parang Kontot
2. Pada tahun 1771, seorang penjelajah Inggeris telah tiba di
sebuah kawasan yang dikenali sebagai New Hebrides, siapakah dia?
a. Kapten Hook
b. Kapten Crook
c. Kapten Cook
d. Kapten Cool
e. Kapten Boleh
3. Siapakah yang pernah menjadi pemerintah Sarawak?
a. Brooke Shields
b. James Beruk
c. James Bond
d. Sapok Biki
e. James Brooke
4. Siapakah yang membuka Pulau Pinang?
a. Torch Light
b. Traffic Light
c. Francisca Peters
d. Light and Easy
e. Francis Light
5. Salah seorang pahlawan melayu terbilang...
a. Tuk Janggut
b. Tuk Misai
c. Tuk Sideburn
d. Tuk Misai A Galak
e. Tuk Bulu Hidung
6. Pahlawan Melayu di Pahang..
a. Mat Kilau
b. Mat Silau
c. M Daud Kilau
d. Mat Sentul
e. Mat Rempit
7. Siapakah Residen Inggeris di Negeri Perak yang dibunuh oleh
Datuk Maharajalela?
a. Jawa Jerongos
b. J.W.W Birch
c. Jay Jay
d. J.W.Marriot
e.. Jawa Rangers
8. Negara manakah yang menjajah Tanah Melayu selepas Portugis?
a. Ayam Belanda
b. Bela Anda
c. Blender
d. Belanda
e. Blunder
9. Apakah antara hantaran yang diminta Puteri Gunung Ledang kepada
Sultan Melaka?
a. 7 dulang hati nyamuk
b. 7 dulang tongkeng ayam
c. 7 dulang tahi hidung
d. 7 dulang tahi palat
e. 7 dulang gigi arnab
10. Siapakah puteri Pahang yang mencintai Hang Tuah?
a. Tun Mahathir
b. Tan Tin Tun
c. Tun Tak Tahu Eja
d. Tun Teja
e. Arnold Susahanakeja
11. Siapakah puteri Negeri China yang berkahwin dengan Sultan
a. Puteri Hang Li Po
b. Puteri Kepala Hotak Hang!
c. Puteri Opah Hang!
d. Puteri Hang Go Poh
e. Puteri Hang Cing
12. Ikan apakah yang melanggar Singapura?
a. Ikan Bilis
b. Ikan Masin
c. Ikan Kembung Masak Asam
d. Ikan kekek mak iloi-iloi
e. Ikan Todak
13. Siapakah Ketua Kominis Malaya?
a. CIMB Bank
b. Chin Peng
c. Soh Chin Aun
d. Chim Pan Zee
e. Chin Chau
14. Siapakah diantara berikut adalah Laksamana Melaka yang
a. Hang Tuah
b. Hang Buah
c. Hang Limau Kasturi
d. Hang Kuah
e. Putera Shazlan
15. Laksamana manakah yang derhaka kepada Sultan Melaka?
a. Hang Sebat
b. Hang Lebat
c. Hang Jebat
d. Hang Berat
e. Ham Peh
Sunday, December 20, 2009
the long journey
many years have i traveled
gaining experience, new discovered
the same thing i did like others
learning a new cultures
for instance i admit
i lost myself
i once used to be
a chicken, a tool, and a laid back in person
but still is the same
the family, my world wide
the only reason i return
see me, myself
i am no longer me
may i regain myself one day
but the day unrevealed
keep hiding out of nowhere
like you also i hope
because i miss the old me
even she is truly full of weakness
because she is
that's why i love her...
gaining experience, new discovered
the same thing i did like others
learning a new cultures
for instance i admit
i lost myself
i once used to be
a chicken, a tool, and a laid back in person
but still is the same
the family, my world wide
the only reason i return
see me, myself
i am no longer me
may i regain myself one day
but the day unrevealed
keep hiding out of nowhere
like you also i hope
because i miss the old me
even she is truly full of weakness
because she is
that's why i love her...
the Bye-Bye
o dearest one
i forgive you if you ever be apart
for how long you had stick
am really afraid you are not used to it
even if i ask
the answer would be warmth
and so sudden
you just stay quietly
nor answering, asking
even for the day you left
you smile
showing me the grinning
this approve you are happy
and i am sorry
i see your eyes wasn't
afraid to lose control, you are leaving me
that's the last i ever saw from you...
i forgive you if you ever be apart
for how long you had stick
am really afraid you are not used to it
even if i ask
the answer would be warmth
and so sudden
you just stay quietly
nor answering, asking
even for the day you left
you smile
showing me the grinning
this approve you are happy
and i am sorry
i see your eyes wasn't
afraid to lose control, you are leaving me
that's the last i ever saw from you...
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
JangAn CaRi AkU..
Last exam.. 16/12/2009
Hari ni sepatutnya hari yang begitu happy dan last day aku memerah otak menjawab dan menghentam paper SPM..
Ada sesuatu yang amat berat dalam hati aku.. Rasa bebanan yang teramat sangat.. Perasaan untuk tinggalkan sesuatu yang berharga dalam hidup.. Yes.. Sahabat seperjuangan aku..
1 tahun, 2 tahun, 3 tahun, 4 tahun, 5 tahun... Last sekali.. 6 tahun..
Dah lama kita kenal.. Aku tahu jiwa kamu.. Aku tahu favorite food kamu dan apa yang penting sekali aku faham kamu ketika orang lain meminggir kamu..
Kamu seperti aku.. Suka hitam putih kehidupan.. Aku dilabel sebagai "white angel" dan kamu seperti "black anger".. Itu memori terindah kita..
Hidup aku tak perfect tanpa kamu.. Hubungan erat kita laksana gitar dengan string.. Dalam kelas, kamu vokalis dan aku suara latar.. Cukup sempurna.. Walaupun tanpa kehadiran gitar kapok aku yang putus string-nya 2 bulan lepas..
Aku harap aku jumpa kamu lagi.. Walaupun kita berjauhan, kamu tetap di hati aku..
Hari ni sepatutnya hari yang begitu happy dan last day aku memerah otak menjawab dan menghentam paper SPM..
Ada sesuatu yang amat berat dalam hati aku.. Rasa bebanan yang teramat sangat.. Perasaan untuk tinggalkan sesuatu yang berharga dalam hidup.. Yes.. Sahabat seperjuangan aku..
1 tahun, 2 tahun, 3 tahun, 4 tahun, 5 tahun... Last sekali.. 6 tahun..
Dah lama kita kenal.. Aku tahu jiwa kamu.. Aku tahu favorite food kamu dan apa yang penting sekali aku faham kamu ketika orang lain meminggir kamu..
Kamu seperti aku.. Suka hitam putih kehidupan.. Aku dilabel sebagai "white angel" dan kamu seperti "black anger".. Itu memori terindah kita..
Hidup aku tak perfect tanpa kamu.. Hubungan erat kita laksana gitar dengan string.. Dalam kelas, kamu vokalis dan aku suara latar.. Cukup sempurna.. Walaupun tanpa kehadiran gitar kapok aku yang putus string-nya 2 bulan lepas..
Aku harap aku jumpa kamu lagi.. Walaupun kita berjauhan, kamu tetap di hati aku..
Dulu kita pernah berkawan.. Sekarang kita masih berkawan..
Dan aku harap kita kawan selamanya..
Kawan Selamanya
Dan aku harap kita kawan selamanya..
Kawan Selamanya
Friday, December 11, 2009
KeRAnA Aku JUGa MengErTi..
Blog Ezatul Ajirah..
Blog yang secara umum menceritakan tentang dirinya, kawan2..
..cerita hantu, habbo, dan segalanya tentang dunia beliau..
Baru form4.. Tapi penulisan dia sangat menarik..
Aku pun jeles.. sikit2.. Sebab aku tak tau mengeja dgn betul..
Aku terbaca blog die tulis sal kawan die..
Mak kawan die meninggal..
Cerita Cheted:
when sadness begin
Tajuk die pun kite dah dapat agak..
"Cerita sedih ni..,"
Aku pun baca....
Sah.. Memang sedih..
Aku duk hostel ni pun kekadang teringat gak kat mak abah aku
Teringat gak leteran dorang kat aku..
Then, Cerita Cheted tu sedikit sebanyak menyedarkan aku
Dan aku nak berterima kasih sgt2..
Cheted.. Teruskan menulis..
Penulisan kau membumikan kata2..
..Kerana mata pensil itu lebih tajam daripada mata pedang..
..cerita hantu, habbo, dan segalanya tentang dunia beliau..
Baru form4.. Tapi penulisan dia sangat menarik..
Aku pun jeles.. sikit2.. Sebab aku tak tau mengeja dgn betul..
Aku terbaca blog die tulis sal kawan die..
Mak kawan die meninggal..
Cerita Cheted:
when sadness begin
Tajuk die pun kite dah dapat agak..
"Cerita sedih ni..,"
Aku pun baca....
Sah.. Memang sedih..
Aku duk hostel ni pun kekadang teringat gak kat mak abah aku
Teringat gak leteran dorang kat aku..
Then, Cerita Cheted tu sedikit sebanyak menyedarkan aku
Dan aku nak berterima kasih sgt2..
Cheted.. Teruskan menulis..
Penulisan kau membumikan kata2..
..Kerana mata pensil itu lebih tajam daripada mata pedang..
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sobb.. Sobb...
SPM dah nak abes.. Yeah.. Beberapa hari je lagi..
Ingatkan sume dah kembali normal macam biasa.. Rupenye makin teruk.. Stress tahap melampau.. Kalah cipan aku..
Aku tak tau samada hati aku begitu lembut ataupun aku tak reti nak marah org..
Al-kisah... aku tak tau bende ni sume jadi disebabkan oleh salah aku ataupun salah aku ataupun salah aku... Andai kata sume ni betul salah aku, maafkan aku.. Tapi aku wat pe..??
Ingatkan sume dah kembali normal macam biasa.. Rupenye makin teruk.. Stress tahap melampau.. Kalah cipan aku..
Aku tak tau samada hati aku begitu lembut ataupun aku tak reti nak marah org..
Al-kisah... aku tak tau bende ni sume jadi disebabkan oleh salah aku ataupun salah aku ataupun salah aku... Andai kata sume ni betul salah aku, maafkan aku.. Tapi aku wat pe..??
charger aku selalu ghaib.. Check balik.. Ade kat bilik korang...
Heater aku lak selalu kene rompak... Check je.. Tau dah..
Lam bilik korang gak...
Adakah salah aku sebab terlalu prihatin ngan barang sendiri??
Ataupun mengganggu korang rebus megi dan guna heater aku tanpa kebenaran??
So, kalo betullah "salah" aku.. Maafkan aku...
Heater aku lak selalu kene rompak... Check je.. Tau dah..
Lam bilik korang gak...
Adakah salah aku sebab terlalu prihatin ngan barang sendiri??
Ataupun mengganggu korang rebus megi dan guna heater aku tanpa kebenaran??
So, kalo betullah "salah" aku.. Maafkan aku...
Monday, November 30, 2009
KitE berBEzA
Dalam 2 jam lepas, aku and Nad baru je lepas menjamu selera kat sebuah restoran milik kawan baik cina aku, Uncle Sa..
Nad ni sangat2 peramah.. Aku pon tak tau tahap keramahan die sampailah satu ketika die tanya Uncle Sa soalan pelik2 sal bangsa Cina dan agama beliau..
Dipendekkan cerita, mengikut kepercayaan Uncle Sa, semua agama adalah SAMA..
Aku dan Nad sama2 skolah agama dan belajar agama.. Sure la pandangan Uncle Sa tak leh diterima pakai langsung..
Memula die tanye sal solat...
Uncle Sa : Ape pandangan u tentang solat??
Nad : Solat ni ntuk ketenangan hati...
AkiFayS : Solat untuk ibadah..
Uncle Sa : Ibadah tu ape...??
Topik ke-2.. Tentang poligami..
Uncle Sa : Kalo abang u yang dah kawin, nak kawin lagi satu.. U kasi tak..??
AkiFayS : (baru je buka mulut nak jawab soalan ni, Nad menyampuk..)
Nad : Sure la tak kasi!!
Selesai perbincangan "mengutuk" ni, aku dan Nad blah.. Nad pon heran gak knape aku diam je dari tadi.. Paham2 je la Nad.. Kang aku bukak mulut, tak pepasal aku gaduh ngan Uncle Sa..
Nad ni sangat2 peramah.. Aku pon tak tau tahap keramahan die sampailah satu ketika die tanya Uncle Sa soalan pelik2 sal bangsa Cina dan agama beliau..
Dipendekkan cerita, mengikut kepercayaan Uncle Sa, semua agama adalah SAMA..
Aku dan Nad sama2 skolah agama dan belajar agama.. Sure la pandangan Uncle Sa tak leh diterima pakai langsung..
Memula die tanye sal solat...
Uncle Sa : Ape pandangan u tentang solat??
Nad : Solat ni ntuk ketenangan hati...
AkiFayS : Solat untuk ibadah..
Uncle Sa : Ibadah tu ape...??
Topik ke-2.. Tentang poligami..
Uncle Sa : Kalo abang u yang dah kawin, nak kawin lagi satu.. U kasi tak..??
AkiFayS : (baru je buka mulut nak jawab soalan ni, Nad menyampuk..)
Nad : Sure la tak kasi!!
Selesai perbincangan "mengutuk" ni, aku dan Nad blah.. Nad pon heran gak knape aku diam je dari tadi.. Paham2 je la Nad.. Kang aku bukak mulut, tak pepasal aku gaduh ngan Uncle Sa..
Monday, November 16, 2009
make me yours
you saw me talking to the shadows
as expected i have no families, no friends
don't just stand there
call out my name & i shall glance at you
take my hand & take my heart
stand still & don't be apart
take me to your world
make me yours
cause you are far better than me
teach me how to be like you
make me yours
& alas we see no difference
please make me yours
make me yours
make me yours
as expected i have no families, no friends
don't just stand there
call out my name & i shall glance at you
take my hand & take my heart
stand still & don't be apart
take me to your world
make me yours
cause you are far better than me
teach me how to be like you
make me yours
& alas we see no difference
please make me yours
make me yours
make me yours
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Takde tajuk no vokal
Satu nota bukanlah coretan
Satu sejarah tidak untuk dikenang
Satu nasihat bukan sekadar pedoman
Satu nafas jangan hanya dinikmati
Langkah pertama titik permulaan
Permulaan yang goyah tiada takjub
Ulangi langkah seperti dahulu
Jika benar ingin menjauh
Warnakan hidup seakan pelangi
Tambahkan juga selirik senyuman
Semalam yang hitam janganlah dikenang
Esok yang rahsia usah ditanya
Satu sejarah tidak untuk dikenang
Satu nasihat bukan sekadar pedoman
Satu nafas jangan hanya dinikmati
Langkah pertama titik permulaan
Permulaan yang goyah tiada takjub
Ulangi langkah seperti dahulu
Jika benar ingin menjauh
Warnakan hidup seakan pelangi
Tambahkan juga selirik senyuman
Semalam yang hitam janganlah dikenang
Esok yang rahsia usah ditanya
Akifays Amis
(04.57 am)
P/S : Aku tulis ni lepas kene marah ngan cikgu..
(04.57 am)
P/S : Aku tulis ni lepas kene marah ngan cikgu..
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The - MusT - AcHieVe
BM - A
BI - A
BI - A
Takkan 2 je kot.. Tambah lagi...
Sejarah - A
Ekonomi - A
Ekonomi - A
... Baru 4.. Haih.. Aku tamak.. Aku nak lagi...
Math - A
Science - A
Science - A
8?? Baru 8...
Prinsip Akaun....
Bahase Arab Tinggi....
Bahase Arab Tinggi....
Patut la... Haih~
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
LeTiH wEeii
Bangun kol 5.30 pagi.. Balik kol 5.45 petang.. Sampai umah kol 6.30 petang.. Tido kol 12.01 pagi..
Perkara di atas akan kekal sampai 18/11/2009..
Aku takleh hangout, tido dengan lena, online atau makan dengan banyak.. So, aku buat wishlist.. SPM last day, bebudak kelas aku ade buat dinner kat New Horizon Garden Restaurant pukul 8 malam.. So, wishlist aku akan terlaksana pada keesokan harinya.. (insya-Allah)
1. Hangout 3 hari berturut2
2. Koma selama 3 hari
3. Makan tanpa henti selama sehari
4. Berendam selama 6 jam lam kolam air panas
5. Aku nak shout puas2
Dalam wishlist di atas, aku sangat teringin nk buat yang nombor 5.. Tanda noktah atas beban yang aku tanggung selama ni.. Dan sedikit sebanyak pengajaran tahun ni yang aku boleh amek agar kesilapan aku tak berulang lagi untuk tahun2 seterusnya...
Friday, October 9, 2009
ApE saLaH kaMi??
Aku akui, ramai tak puas ati ngan kami.. Kate kami bersikap perkauman la.. Kalo dok kat tempat lain, kami dok ngan geng2 klantan jek.. Cut it off la.. Bukan kehendak kami... Ade beberapa faktor yang dikenal pasti di sini.. Ikut teori aku jek ni.. Tak tau la ape pandangan korang..
1. Loghat klntan xdapat difahami.. Contoh ayat:
-"Pohu la mugo nih tok sedak nok kekoh,"
-"Sudoh lahh.. tingga khako doh,"
2. Cara berbeza
-Secara terus, dunia kami tidak begitu terbuka dengan dunia luar. Jadi, kami agak mundur..
Ade lagi yang lain tapi aku takut nak tulis kat sini takut jadi isu sensitif lak.. "Cari kijo aku nok jawak"..
By the way.. Sape paham loghat klantan di atas?? Ore klate takyoh jawab laaa~
1. Loghat klntan xdapat difahami.. Contoh ayat:
-"Pohu la mugo nih tok sedak nok kekoh,"
-"Sudoh lahh.. tingga khako doh,"
2. Cara berbeza
-Secara terus, dunia kami tidak begitu terbuka dengan dunia luar. Jadi, kami agak mundur..
Ade lagi yang lain tapi aku takut nak tulis kat sini takut jadi isu sensitif lak.. "Cari kijo aku nok jawak"..
By the way.. Sape paham loghat klantan di atas?? Ore klate takyoh jawab laaa~
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
mAraH iTu SAyanG
Ade satu kisah tentang seorang budak. Tak perlu bagi detail. Hanya seorang budak. Dia tak begitu genius tapi dia sekolah kat sekolah elit.
Setiap kali exam sejak tahun pertama, pemarkahan dia selalu tak capai target. Tapi tak pernah pulak surat "tendang keluar" sampai kat dia. Dia pon kompius..
Sampailah satu tahun.. (tahun last dia di sekolah)
Suma cikgu ingat name dia.. Ingat markah dia.. Ingat segala2 tentang dia..
Boleh kata hari2 kene torture budak ni.. Agak kesian jugak laa~
Ada lah sekali tu.. die demam seminggu.. Hampir semua keje sekolah die xlarat nk habiskan.. Workload sgt bertimbun.. Walaupun demam, die gi jugak sekolah..
Tak siap keje, for sure lah kene marah ngan sekalian makhluk yang bergelar guru..
Ade sekali tu, terfikir gak budak ni..
"kenape cikgu marah aku?? kan masa depan aku.. apesal nye dorang concern sgt..??"
Then.. barulah budak ni paham.. sebab mase depan die lah.. cikgu "marah" sgt.. Kanape..?? Sebab cikgu sayang.. Cikgu taknak anak didik dia gagal.. Sebab tu cikgu marah..
P/S: aku tak tau kenape penulisan aku hari ni nampak kebudak-budakan...
Setiap kali exam sejak tahun pertama, pemarkahan dia selalu tak capai target. Tapi tak pernah pulak surat "tendang keluar" sampai kat dia. Dia pon kompius..
Sampailah satu tahun.. (tahun last dia di sekolah)
Suma cikgu ingat name dia.. Ingat markah dia.. Ingat segala2 tentang dia..
Boleh kata hari2 kene torture budak ni.. Agak kesian jugak laa~
Ada lah sekali tu.. die demam seminggu.. Hampir semua keje sekolah die xlarat nk habiskan.. Workload sgt bertimbun.. Walaupun demam, die gi jugak sekolah..
Tak siap keje, for sure lah kene marah ngan sekalian makhluk yang bergelar guru..
Ade sekali tu, terfikir gak budak ni..
"kenape cikgu marah aku?? kan masa depan aku.. apesal nye dorang concern sgt..??"
Then.. barulah budak ni paham.. sebab mase depan die lah.. cikgu "marah" sgt.. Kanape..?? Sebab cikgu sayang.. Cikgu taknak anak didik dia gagal.. Sebab tu cikgu marah..
P/S: aku tak tau kenape penulisan aku hari ni nampak kebudak-budakan...
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
SeMOgA JUmpA LaGi.. TaTA..
Jarang sekali aku online, kejap2 ade guest nk jadi kawan.. Tapi aku block die.. Jahat betul.. Sebab aku tak kenal die.. Kalau kawan aku ramai, for sure aku akan lupa kawan lama aku.. Aku tanak camtu..
Dah dekat setahun aku online ngan pc rumah, gune streamyx.. Family aku tak brape stuju ngan kewujudan streamyx ni.. Sebab streamyx ni buat kita leka, tak ingat dunia ngan game2 online, dan sebagainya.. Kami tak tahu manfaat sebenar streamyx..
Awal tahun, we make a deal.. Aku, Neel dan mak.. Cukup setahun kewujudan streamyx, stop pembayaran dan cut penggunaan streamyx ni.. Yes.. Dan umur streamyx ni dah nak cukup setahun.. Aku sengaja online, dan online.. Sebab ni bulan last aku chat ngn kawan2 aku.. Share pengetahuan aku kat sume orang.. Sebab sharing is caring..
Aku akui, aku pun sayang nak tinggalkan dunia cyber.. Sebab dunia ni, aku kenal si sewel wawa, sebab dunia ni jugak aku kenal Ustazah Auni.. Mungkin Profesor Muba tak sehensem aku, tapi ketahuilah die pon kawan aku jugak.. Bukan lah bermaksud aku lupa member aku yang lain.. Aku ingat jugak sebab korang 1 dalam sejuta..
Suka duka kehidupan 2 alam.. Sape yang tahu?? Aku tak tahu pon.. Bile kite dah rasa kehilangan, barulah kita nak belajar menghargai.. Sayang betul.. When I recalled my past, tears start to drop.. For a reason we can't go back in time..
Aku tak minta untuk dihargai, cuma aku nak korang tau, aku hargai korang.. Kemunculan korang sangat bermakna walaupun seketika.. Adakah ini kata2 terakhir?? Tidak.. Temporary je nih.. Tak tau sampai kapan..
Bila lagi aku nak bgtau suma ni kalau bukan sekarang?? Dan sorry sebab tak bgtau straight time chatting..
P/S : Miss Auni.. Suara anda sgt kiut.. Ingtkan mak anda yang angkat time tu.. Hahaha
Dah dekat setahun aku online ngan pc rumah, gune streamyx.. Family aku tak brape stuju ngan kewujudan streamyx ni.. Sebab streamyx ni buat kita leka, tak ingat dunia ngan game2 online, dan sebagainya.. Kami tak tahu manfaat sebenar streamyx..
Awal tahun, we make a deal.. Aku, Neel dan mak.. Cukup setahun kewujudan streamyx, stop pembayaran dan cut penggunaan streamyx ni.. Yes.. Dan umur streamyx ni dah nak cukup setahun.. Aku sengaja online, dan online.. Sebab ni bulan last aku chat ngn kawan2 aku.. Share pengetahuan aku kat sume orang.. Sebab sharing is caring..
Aku akui, aku pun sayang nak tinggalkan dunia cyber.. Sebab dunia ni, aku kenal si sewel wawa, sebab dunia ni jugak aku kenal Ustazah Auni.. Mungkin Profesor Muba tak sehensem aku, tapi ketahuilah die pon kawan aku jugak.. Bukan lah bermaksud aku lupa member aku yang lain.. Aku ingat jugak sebab korang 1 dalam sejuta..
Suka duka kehidupan 2 alam.. Sape yang tahu?? Aku tak tahu pon.. Bile kite dah rasa kehilangan, barulah kita nak belajar menghargai.. Sayang betul.. When I recalled my past, tears start to drop.. For a reason we can't go back in time..
Aku tak minta untuk dihargai, cuma aku nak korang tau, aku hargai korang.. Kemunculan korang sangat bermakna walaupun seketika.. Adakah ini kata2 terakhir?? Tidak.. Temporary je nih.. Tak tau sampai kapan..
Bila lagi aku nak bgtau suma ni kalau bukan sekarang?? Dan sorry sebab tak bgtau straight time chatting..
P/S : Miss Auni.. Suara anda sgt kiut.. Ingtkan mak anda yang angkat time tu.. Hahaha
Friday, September 18, 2009
HappY EiD uL FitRi
3 hari sebelum raye
Hari ni aku, abah dan abang ustaz shopping.. Parkson baru je bukak (lame da sebenarnyee) menyebabkan jalan makin jam dan kebetulan hari ni ramai perantau balik ke kampung halaman.. Punye la... Aku tak hadir lagi ke kelas.. Eheheh.. Aku jujur.. So.. Aku baik! Aku baik!
Went to KBMALL semata-mata nak cari sepasang kasut raye.. Ehem.. Kasut raye ni bukan mudah nak cari.. Especially yang aku punye foot size.. Masuk je kedai, soalan pertama aku pada pekerja tu "Kasut paling kecik kat sini saiz bape??" -_-lll
Ondawe balik, abang aku buat pertama kali kene saman.. 2 kesalahan:
1. Xbawak lesen
2. Tak patuh pada lampu isyarat merah
Die cool jek.. Tapi dalam ati.. Ehehehe... Sampai skam die masih fobia.. Rilex la bro..
2 hari sebelum raye
Pergi kelas tuisyen, terlanggar dinding lagi.. Pagi ni, aku tak tahu sama ada aku khayal, atau aku khayal atau aku memang khayal.. Tak lame lagi nk raye, mungkin sebab ni kot..
Malam, sume plan nak buat lemang beramai2.. Adat di kampung biase laa.. Adik aku hunt ayam memalam buta.. Senang sket sebab mase ni ayam ngah membuta.. Banyak punye plan kalo list kat sini sampai esok pon tak habes..
Kire short nye.. Malam sebelum raye ni aku tido lewat la.. Maybe lam kol 2 baru siap keje2 aku..
Aku nak ucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI.. Andai pernah tercipta satu kesilapan sepanjang perkenalan kita, maafkanlah...
Hari ni aku, abah dan abang ustaz shopping.. Parkson baru je bukak (lame da sebenarnyee) menyebabkan jalan makin jam dan kebetulan hari ni ramai perantau balik ke kampung halaman.. Punye la... Aku tak hadir lagi ke kelas.. Eheheh.. Aku jujur.. So.. Aku baik! Aku baik!
Went to KBMALL semata-mata nak cari sepasang kasut raye.. Ehem.. Kasut raye ni bukan mudah nak cari.. Especially yang aku punye foot size.. Masuk je kedai, soalan pertama aku pada pekerja tu "Kasut paling kecik kat sini saiz bape??" -_-lll
Ondawe balik, abang aku buat pertama kali kene saman.. 2 kesalahan:
1. Xbawak lesen
2. Tak patuh pada lampu isyarat merah
Die cool jek.. Tapi dalam ati.. Ehehehe... Sampai skam die masih fobia.. Rilex la bro..
2 hari sebelum raye
Pergi kelas tuisyen, terlanggar dinding lagi.. Pagi ni, aku tak tahu sama ada aku khayal, atau aku khayal atau aku memang khayal.. Tak lame lagi nk raye, mungkin sebab ni kot..
Malam, sume plan nak buat lemang beramai2.. Adat di kampung biase laa.. Adik aku hunt ayam memalam buta.. Senang sket sebab mase ni ayam ngah membuta.. Banyak punye plan kalo list kat sini sampai esok pon tak habes..
Aku nak ucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI.. Andai pernah tercipta satu kesilapan sepanjang perkenalan kita, maafkanlah...
Thursday, September 17, 2009
bUKan AKu yaNg AcCideNT tUu...!!
Setibanya aku disekolah, aku disekat oleh beberapa orang pengawas.. Kenapa? Aku lewatlah.. Selalunye tak penah kene sekat sebab aku ade permit.. Pagi ni.. Nasib tak menyebelahi aku..
Perhimpunan sekolah, aku duduk kat tempat yang lembap.. Dah tadak tempat lain.. Sedih laa.. Member2 aku yang lain datang 10 minit lagi lewat dari aku tapi dorang tak kena sekat pon.. Lagilah I jadi gilee~
Tak heran lah bende2 di atas tadi jadik kat aku.. Alah bisa tegal biasa.. Perkara yang luar biasa jadik hari ni, sume orang carik aku.. Eeeish.. Minatkah?? Malulahh..
"Aku dengar mu accident.."
Huh..? Kuasam.. Satu doa ke hapa ni?? Aku sihat sejahtera jek pagi ni.. Perkara ni dah femes smpai sume orang lawat aku yang sihat ni dalam kelas.. Sampai ati korang~
So, kan aku dah cakap name aku Akifays.. Sebenarnye, yang accident pagi tu Akiemaye.. Ko amek lagi name same cam aku, tgk la ape dah jadik..
YM aku dengan Akiemaye
Perhimpunan sekolah, aku duduk kat tempat yang lembap.. Dah tadak tempat lain.. Sedih laa.. Member2 aku yang lain datang 10 minit lagi lewat dari aku tapi dorang tak kena sekat pon.. Lagilah I jadi gilee~
Tak heran lah bende2 di atas tadi jadik kat aku.. Alah bisa tegal biasa.. Perkara yang luar biasa jadik hari ni, sume orang carik aku.. Eeeish.. Minatkah?? Malulahh..
"Aku dengar mu accident.."
Huh..? Kuasam.. Satu doa ke hapa ni?? Aku sihat sejahtera jek pagi ni.. Perkara ni dah femes smpai sume orang lawat aku yang sihat ni dalam kelas.. Sampai ati korang~
So, kan aku dah cakap name aku Akifays.. Sebenarnye, yang accident pagi tu Akiemaye.. Ko amek lagi name same cam aku, tgk la ape dah jadik..
YM aku dengan Akiemaye
Akiema Sokkari : pg td.. 0ghe kmlgn..
Akiema Sokkari : pkol 6.45..
aki_emptysoul : gane tu..?
aki_emptysoul : mak mu pekaba??
Akiema Sokkari : mso 2..
Akiema Sokkari : mok 0ghe xkna la.
Akiema Sokkari : p0k cik nawi tmbh crito..
Akiema Sokkari : 0ghe jah knal..
Akiema Sokkari : mso 2..
Akiema Sokkari : nop g tpom ko cik nawi..
Akiema Sokkari : n0p tnyo..
Akiema Sokkari : bkpo..
Akiema Sokkari : bas xmri ag..
Akiema Sokkari : tg0k2..
Akiema Sokkari : kmlgn..
Akiema Sokkari : Allah wt turun slalu..
Akiema Sokkari : tkut glax..
aki_emptysoul : kene langgar ko sape..?
aki_emptysoul : kambing?
Akiema Sokkari : d0p..
aki_emptysoul : moto?
Akiema Sokkari : wira aerobik..
aki_emptysoul : kete???!!!
Akiema Sokkari : wira aerobek..
Akiema Sokkari : yup..ngn kete..
aki_emptysoul : mu sehat sejahtera jah men msg ni
Akiema Sokkari : mmg la..
Akiema Sokkari : kna skep jah..
Akiema Sokkari : d0ktor 0yak..
Akiema Sokkari : ajaib xcident kali ni..
Akiema Sokkari : psl..
Akiema Sokkari : skal..
Akiema Sokkari : skalo..
Akiema Sokkari : tmpt 0he xcident 2..
Akiema Sokkari : xd0p wt slmt..
Akiema Sokkari : mati slalu kt tmpt kjadian..
Akiema Sokkari : d0p pom.
Akiema Sokkari : jdik glo..
aki_emptysoul : mu terbang ko mase tu??
aki_emptysoul : ko golek2 sajo..?
Akiema Sokkari : 2'2..
Akiema Sokkari : skali guh..
Akiema Sokkari : bengom la..
Akiema Sokkari : pok cip 2..
Akiema Sokkari : dea slh a..
aki_emptysoul : mula2 terbang pastu golek2
Akiema Sokkari : dea slhkn 0ghe plop..
Akiema Sokkari : yup..
aki_emptysoul : kalu masuk courts, mu mene sbb die langgar budop skola
aki_emptysoul : ade bukti mu pkai baju skola
Akiema Sokkari : yup..
Akiema Sokkari : bju skoloh 2 ado lg.
aki_emptysoul : koyok?
Akiema Sokkari : ado lg kesn drh n k0yak rabak..
Akiema Sokkari : hehehe
aki_emptysoul : ...
Akiema Sokkari : ??
Akiema Sokkari : bis0 dop??
Akiema Sokkari : dhla..
aki_emptysoul : darah..?
Akiema Sokkari : dea tngl 0ghe g2 slalu.
aki_emptysoul : kuat ko..?
Akiema Sokkari : yup.
Akiema Sokkari : 0ghe pth tgn..
aki_emptysoul : nate pokcik
Akiema Sokkari : d0p..
Akiema Sokkari : skep jah..
Akiema Sokkari : tp..
Akiema Sokkari : 0ghe nop xray tulg blake plop..
Akiema Sokkari : sakep blke etep..
Akiema Sokkari : pkol 6.45..
aki_emptysoul : gane tu..?
aki_emptysoul : mak mu pekaba??
Akiema Sokkari : mso 2..
Akiema Sokkari : mok 0ghe xkna la.
Akiema Sokkari : p0k cik nawi tmbh crito..
Akiema Sokkari : 0ghe jah knal..
Akiema Sokkari : mso 2..
Akiema Sokkari : nop g tpom ko cik nawi..
Akiema Sokkari : n0p tnyo..
Akiema Sokkari : bkpo..
Akiema Sokkari : bas xmri ag..
Akiema Sokkari : tg0k2..
Akiema Sokkari : kmlgn..
Akiema Sokkari : Allah wt turun slalu..
Akiema Sokkari : tkut glax..
aki_emptysoul : kene langgar ko sape..?
aki_emptysoul : kambing?
Akiema Sokkari : d0p..
aki_emptysoul : moto?
Akiema Sokkari : wira aerobik..
aki_emptysoul : kete???!!!
Akiema Sokkari : wira aerobek..
Akiema Sokkari : yup..ngn kete..
aki_emptysoul : mu sehat sejahtera jah men msg ni
Akiema Sokkari : mmg la..
Akiema Sokkari : kna skep jah..
Akiema Sokkari : d0ktor 0yak..
Akiema Sokkari : ajaib xcident kali ni..
Akiema Sokkari : psl..
Akiema Sokkari : skal..
Akiema Sokkari : skalo..
Akiema Sokkari : tmpt 0he xcident 2..
Akiema Sokkari : xd0p wt slmt..
Akiema Sokkari : mati slalu kt tmpt kjadian..
Akiema Sokkari : d0p pom.
Akiema Sokkari : jdik glo..
aki_emptysoul : mu terbang ko mase tu??
aki_emptysoul : ko golek2 sajo..?
Akiema Sokkari : 2'2..
Akiema Sokkari : skali guh..
Akiema Sokkari : bengom la..
Akiema Sokkari : pok cip 2..
Akiema Sokkari : dea slh a..
aki_emptysoul : mula2 terbang pastu golek2
Akiema Sokkari : dea slhkn 0ghe plop..
Akiema Sokkari : yup..
aki_emptysoul : kalu masuk courts, mu mene sbb die langgar budop skola
aki_emptysoul : ade bukti mu pkai baju skola
Akiema Sokkari : yup..
Akiema Sokkari : bju skoloh 2 ado lg.
aki_emptysoul : koyok?
Akiema Sokkari : ado lg kesn drh n k0yak rabak..
Akiema Sokkari : hehehe
aki_emptysoul : ...
Akiema Sokkari : ??
Akiema Sokkari : bis0 dop??
Akiema Sokkari : dhla..
aki_emptysoul : darah..?
Akiema Sokkari : dea tngl 0ghe g2 slalu.
aki_emptysoul : kuat ko..?
Akiema Sokkari : yup.
Akiema Sokkari : 0ghe pth tgn..
aki_emptysoul : nate pokcik
Akiema Sokkari : d0p..
Akiema Sokkari : skep jah..
Akiema Sokkari : tp..
Akiema Sokkari : 0ghe nop xray tulg blake plop..
Akiema Sokkari : sakep blke etep..
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
CoPieD TAg
1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
pandai aku tanam jerawat... -_-lll
2. How much cash do you have on you?
Erm... Bape eh..? Tkyah gtau la.. Raye nnti lesap gak sume tuu...
3. What's a word that rhymes with "DOOR?"
Kreeeekkkk~.. (tak brape nk paham solan ni)
4. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?
Aku tak miskol org.. aku kol terus...
5. What is your favorite ring on your phone?
Suara kuchen...
6. What shirt are you wearing?
Baju tido laa
7. Do you "label" yourself?
erm.. kengkadang... -_-lll
8. Name the brand of your shoes you're currently wearing?
Ape eh..? Dah pudar pom.. Haih~
9. Bright or Dark Room?
Dark and Bright
10. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you?
Mengom.. Gilakk .. Ape ag eh kata2 mengutuk..??
11. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Drawing watak untuk komik baru
12. What did your last text message you received on your cell say?
"Yes" -Endo Kureneko
13. Where is your nearest 7-11?
Seberang jalan tu jek...
14. What's a word that you say a lot?
Kambing ite
15.Who told you he/she loved you last?
Rmai sgt.. Tapi aku tak percayak!...
16. Last furry thing you touched?
17. How many drugs have you done in the last three days?
Ntah.. Tak prasan
18. Favorite age you have been so far?
darjah 5.. Sebab mase ni zaman kegemilangan aku lam dunia taekwondo..
19. Your worst enemy?
Ahli 3 Abdul
20. What is your current desktop picture?
Ni komp family tp ade org perasan ni komp die, so die letak pic y die suke..
21. What was the last thing you said to someone?
"bukan aku yang accident tuu!!"
22. Do you like someone?
Kawan2 aku laa.. More than that, xde kot..
23. The last song you listened to?
Zee Avi - Kantoi
pandai aku tanam jerawat... -_-lll
2. How much cash do you have on you?
Erm... Bape eh..? Tkyah gtau la.. Raye nnti lesap gak sume tuu...
3. What's a word that rhymes with "DOOR?"
Kreeeekkkk~.. (tak brape nk paham solan ni)
4. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?
Aku tak miskol org.. aku kol terus...
5. What is your favorite ring on your phone?
Suara kuchen...
6. What shirt are you wearing?
Baju tido laa
7. Do you "label" yourself?
erm.. kengkadang... -_-lll
8. Name the brand of your shoes you're currently wearing?
Ape eh..? Dah pudar pom.. Haih~
9. Bright or Dark Room?
Dark and Bright
10. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you?
Mengom.. Gilakk .. Ape ag eh kata2 mengutuk..??
11. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Drawing watak untuk komik baru
12. What did your last text message you received on your cell say?
"Yes" -Endo Kureneko
13. Where is your nearest 7-11?
Seberang jalan tu jek...
14. What's a word that you say a lot?
Kambing ite
15.Who told you he/she loved you last?
Rmai sgt.. Tapi aku tak percayak!...
16. Last furry thing you touched?
17. How many drugs have you done in the last three days?
Ntah.. Tak prasan
18. Favorite age you have been so far?
darjah 5.. Sebab mase ni zaman kegemilangan aku lam dunia taekwondo..
19. Your worst enemy?
Ahli 3 Abdul
20. What is your current desktop picture?
Ni komp family tp ade org perasan ni komp die, so die letak pic y die suke..
21. What was the last thing you said to someone?
"bukan aku yang accident tuu!!"
22. Do you like someone?
Kawan2 aku laa.. More than that, xde kot..
23. The last song you listened to?
Zee Avi - Kantoi
Sunday, September 13, 2009
TRIAL.. AiK.. ARitu KaN Da EXaM??
Kira2 seminggu sebelum pose lepas, kami warga Maahad da exam TRIAL SPM.. Entah knape cikgu nk adakan exam skali lg.. Kire kali ni amek soalan Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia.. Exam lepas kami jawab soalan bawah Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan..
Aku dah jawab soalan Ekonomi Asas hari ni dan aku mendapati soalan ni agak mudah berbanding soalan yang dikeluarkan Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan..
No wonder la aku tak dapat A hari tu.. -_-lll
Exam Addmath dulu pun gi amek soalan taraf universiti.. Tak patut betul...
Aku buat surprise lagi.. Selalunye pemarkahan aku tersenarai dalam TOP5 English test paper.. Kali ni aku tak tercalon pon.. Agak sedih.. Aku kene chaiyok lagi laa~
Pape pon tunggu result aku bulan 5 tahun depan.. (jangan harap aku nak bagitau)
Aku dah jawab soalan Ekonomi Asas hari ni dan aku mendapati soalan ni agak mudah berbanding soalan yang dikeluarkan Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan..
No wonder la aku tak dapat A hari tu.. -_-lll
Exam Addmath dulu pun gi amek soalan taraf universiti.. Tak patut betul...
Aku buat surprise lagi.. Selalunye pemarkahan aku tersenarai dalam TOP5 English test paper.. Kali ni aku tak tercalon pon.. Agak sedih.. Aku kene chaiyok lagi laa~
Pape pon tunggu result aku bulan 5 tahun depan.. (jangan harap aku nak bagitau)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
2 bULan LAgi
SPM, SPM dan SPM~~
Sekarang ni aku tengah main judi.. Aku mempertaruhkan semua usaha aku demi satu kertas result.. Samada aku menang atau kalah, itu tak penting.. Sekurang2 nye aku berani mencuba..
Dan kepada kawan2~
Aku sangat2 sori sebab selalu menghilangkan diri.. Kelas je la aku selalu on-time.. Sir Roslan too.. Sorry la selalu "ghaib" time klas anda.. This word I truly mean..
Kak Ahlami.. Sori jugak.. Mesej anda tak terbalas.. Tak topup la kak.. Raye nati adik kol.. Dun wori.. Jemput datang umah yek.. Taun ni adik wat kek khas untuk akak..
Nicky, Zara, Honey, Baby... Gud Luck yeh.. Insya-Allah kejayaan milik kita bersama.. Ingat daku dalam doamu.. Walaupun kita sentiasa tak sehaluan.. Ketahuilah.. Aku sayang korang...
Harez, Mark, Mubin, Rahman, Za_bjoe, Fouad, Emey.. Walaupun aku sekadar kenal korang dalam YM.. Rase macam korang ni besfren aku.. Thanks la.. Dan maaf kalo selame kite kenal ni aku ade wat korang sakit hati..
Dan buat sepupu2 aku.. Ewan dan Dylan especially.. Thanks coz being very nice to me.. Really mean it..
Akhir kata.. Doakan aku yek.. Kerana setiap usaha takkan berhasil tanpa satu doa yang termakbul..
Sekarang ni aku tengah main judi.. Aku mempertaruhkan semua usaha aku demi satu kertas result.. Samada aku menang atau kalah, itu tak penting.. Sekurang2 nye aku berani mencuba..
Dan kepada kawan2~
Aku sangat2 sori sebab selalu menghilangkan diri.. Kelas je la aku selalu on-time.. Sir Roslan too.. Sorry la selalu "ghaib" time klas anda.. This word I truly mean..
Kak Ahlami.. Sori jugak.. Mesej anda tak terbalas.. Tak topup la kak.. Raye nati adik kol.. Dun wori.. Jemput datang umah yek.. Taun ni adik wat kek khas untuk akak..
Nicky, Zara, Honey, Baby... Gud Luck yeh.. Insya-Allah kejayaan milik kita bersama.. Ingat daku dalam doamu.. Walaupun kita sentiasa tak sehaluan.. Ketahuilah.. Aku sayang korang...
Harez, Mark, Mubin, Rahman, Za_bjoe, Fouad, Emey.. Walaupun aku sekadar kenal korang dalam YM.. Rase macam korang ni besfren aku.. Thanks la.. Dan maaf kalo selame kite kenal ni aku ade wat korang sakit hati..
Dan buat sepupu2 aku.. Ewan dan Dylan especially.. Thanks coz being very nice to me.. Really mean it..
Akhir kata.. Doakan aku yek.. Kerana setiap usaha takkan berhasil tanpa satu doa yang termakbul..
Saturday, September 5, 2009
UnTuk DYLan THe KittEN BOy
Minggu kedua dalam bulan pose ni, aku dan Dylan tido lewat@bangun lewat.. Ni la keje aku...

Kami ade main game name MAPLE STORY.. Akifays sebagai flamewizard dan Dylan@Shakhmar sebagai thief.. Aku lukiskan sebagai kenangan aku penah main game nih..
Lepas ni aku cuba game laen lak~

Kami ade main game name MAPLE STORY.. Akifays sebagai flamewizard dan Dylan@Shakhmar sebagai thief.. Aku lukiskan sebagai kenangan aku penah main game nih..
Lepas ni aku cuba game laen lak~
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
GunUNg BerAPi AkuSimA MELeTus
Tersebutlah kisah di sekolah aku...
Wujud beberapa geng nakal yang tak berapa nak betul. Aku kompius giler r sal bebudak ni cukup berani wat hal yang "might be get into our nerves"...
Citer bermula gini...
Aku ade sorang kawan leh dikatakan macam kembar aku. Sebab die pom bersifat hepi go lucky cam aku gak. Name die Akiemaye... Aku Akifays.. Citer ni tentang geng2 die la...
Akiemaye bersama teman2 nye wat 1 memorial.. Mengutuk pengawas2 sekolah. Aku rase perkara biase je kalu mengutuk dengan panggilan shrek, itik hijau dan lain2 yang berkaitan dengan kaler hijau. Termasuklah ketiak hijau...
Firstly, dorang wat atas kertas.. Buat kisah tentang ultraman menyelamatkan bumi daripada Godzilla. Godzilla yang dimaksudkan disini ialah guru disiplin kami iaitu Ustazah Nurzila.. Kejam giler panggil Ustazah ni Godzilla..
Alas, adela salah sorang daripada geng ni citer sal perjuangan ultraman menentang Godzilla dalam blog.. Aku nak bace blog tu tapi die dah wat private pada hari Merdeka 09'.. Mungkin membuktikan kejayaan geng2 ultraman tu kot..
Sebelum depa wat private.. Badan2 disiplin skolah dah tau pasal ni dan mengambil tindakan untuk mencari geng2 terbabit. Sebelum misi mencari dilakukan, dorang dah serah diri (baik betul bebudak ni)...
So, dipendekkan citer, mereka akan dibuang sekolah taun depan.. Selaras dengan misi utama geng ultraman ni untuk beredar dari sekolah ini... End
Wujud beberapa geng nakal yang tak berapa nak betul. Aku kompius giler r sal bebudak ni cukup berani wat hal yang "might be get into our nerves"...
Citer bermula gini...
Aku ade sorang kawan leh dikatakan macam kembar aku. Sebab die pom bersifat hepi go lucky cam aku gak. Name die Akiemaye... Aku Akifays.. Citer ni tentang geng2 die la...
Akiemaye bersama teman2 nye wat 1 memorial.. Mengutuk pengawas2 sekolah. Aku rase perkara biase je kalu mengutuk dengan panggilan shrek, itik hijau dan lain2 yang berkaitan dengan kaler hijau. Termasuklah ketiak hijau...
Firstly, dorang wat atas kertas.. Buat kisah tentang ultraman menyelamatkan bumi daripada Godzilla. Godzilla yang dimaksudkan disini ialah guru disiplin kami iaitu Ustazah Nurzila.. Kejam giler panggil Ustazah ni Godzilla..
Alas, adela salah sorang daripada geng ni citer sal perjuangan ultraman menentang Godzilla dalam blog.. Aku nak bace blog tu tapi die dah wat private pada hari Merdeka 09'.. Mungkin membuktikan kejayaan geng2 ultraman tu kot..
Sebelum depa wat private.. Badan2 disiplin skolah dah tau pasal ni dan mengambil tindakan untuk mencari geng2 terbabit. Sebelum misi mencari dilakukan, dorang dah serah diri (baik betul bebudak ni)...
So, dipendekkan citer, mereka akan dibuang sekolah taun depan.. Selaras dengan misi utama geng ultraman ni untuk beredar dari sekolah ini... End
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Bagaikan hidup didalam sebuah rumah putih.. Bersama teman sepermainan yang lain.. Kadangkala terasa sedikit bosan..
Beberapa rakan yang lain sudah ke dunia luar di usia muda.. Ada diantara mereka tewas dalam arus kehidupan.. Dan sesetengah yang lain mampu berdiri.. Bersama sedikit tergores jiwa dalam meniti arus keremajaan..
Aku.. Hanya mampu menjengah ke luar.. Kerana aku takut tewas.. Kerana aku tidak bersedia.. Cabaran demi cabaran yang menanti di dunia luar.. Aku tak tahu..
Walaupun sesekali emosi aku terusik.. Aku juga ingin keluar.. Dalam menimba ilmu dan mencari erti kehidupan.. Agar aku dapat mencipta sebuah identiti.. Sekurang-kurangnya aku tahu siapa aku..
Andai kau rakan sepermainan aku temui.. Pimpinlah aku.. Bersama kita mencipta sebuah nama.. Sebagai bukti.. kita juga pernah hidup di dunia ini..
Beberapa rakan yang lain sudah ke dunia luar di usia muda.. Ada diantara mereka tewas dalam arus kehidupan.. Dan sesetengah yang lain mampu berdiri.. Bersama sedikit tergores jiwa dalam meniti arus keremajaan..
Aku.. Hanya mampu menjengah ke luar.. Kerana aku takut tewas.. Kerana aku tidak bersedia.. Cabaran demi cabaran yang menanti di dunia luar.. Aku tak tahu..
Walaupun sesekali emosi aku terusik.. Aku juga ingin keluar.. Dalam menimba ilmu dan mencari erti kehidupan.. Agar aku dapat mencipta sebuah identiti.. Sekurang-kurangnya aku tahu siapa aku..
Andai kau rakan sepermainan aku temui.. Pimpinlah aku.. Bersama kita mencipta sebuah nama.. Sebagai bukti.. kita juga pernah hidup di dunia ini..
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
KeEP iT As OUr SECrET...
ok.. aku akui aku dah ade buat blog 1 lagi.. Tapi aku nak keep it secret pasal blog satu lagi tentang luahan aku @ kegilaan aku bercakap sorang2 dengan punching bag.. Aku girl tapi bersifat sedikit brutal dan adakalanya lasak.. Tak salah kalo ade satu kan??
Maaf sebab tak bagitau tentang kewujudan blog tersebut.. Bagi yang sudah tau dan tak sengaja tau.. Korang sangat lucky.. Sebab melaluinye, korang kenal aku.. Kerana blog akifays ni hanyalah journal kehidupan aku tapi punching bag itu blog tentang keadaan diri aku dari sudut yang lain.. Pada hari aku post entry ni, blog tu aku dah remove dari sini..
Sebab aku rase tak perlu aku hebahkan tentang diri aku yang satu lagi.. Cukuplah sekadar kenal aku dari luaran..
Maafkan aku
Maaf sebab tak bagitau tentang kewujudan blog tersebut.. Bagi yang sudah tau dan tak sengaja tau.. Korang sangat lucky.. Sebab melaluinye, korang kenal aku.. Kerana blog akifays ni hanyalah journal kehidupan aku tapi punching bag itu blog tentang keadaan diri aku dari sudut yang lain.. Pada hari aku post entry ni, blog tu aku dah remove dari sini..
Sebab aku rase tak perlu aku hebahkan tentang diri aku yang satu lagi.. Cukuplah sekadar kenal aku dari luaran..
Maafkan aku
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
SuaSAna Di BULan POsE
Grumble.. Grummble...
So, perut berbunyi lagi la ni?? Adik darjah 4 aku yang playful and active pon xkomplen. Ada jugak yang tak puas hati tengok budak darjah 1 boleh jilat ais krim petang2.. Oit, mane ko nak lari?? Ais krim aku tuh!
Sebab pose kan sebulan je setahun, tak heran la ramai yang komplen. Pasal dalam 12 bulan tu, kite melantak suke2 ati selama 11 bulan. Rilek la.. Sebulan jee..
Lepas korang sahur, jangan le sambung tidur. Tau la niat nak qadha sebab terpaksa bangun awal untuk sahur. Banyak canteekk... Kalo korang tido, angin la satu badan nanti. Then, bagi alasan gastrik lee.. Udah laa, idea lame...
Mase muda ni, tenaga banyak lagi. Nenek aku boleh je bangun kol 3.30 pagi tiap2 pagi then berjalan gi masjid sejauh 1 km dari rumah die. Tiap2 hari. Dah jadi cam rutin lak.. Xde komplen pom...
So, xde alasan untuk xleh pose. Berkat pose ni sape tau. Sihat badan. Ape lagi hah??
So, perut berbunyi lagi la ni?? Adik darjah 4 aku yang playful and active pon xkomplen. Ada jugak yang tak puas hati tengok budak darjah 1 boleh jilat ais krim petang2.. Oit, mane ko nak lari?? Ais krim aku tuh!
Sebab pose kan sebulan je setahun, tak heran la ramai yang komplen. Pasal dalam 12 bulan tu, kite melantak suke2 ati selama 11 bulan. Rilek la.. Sebulan jee..
Lepas korang sahur, jangan le sambung tidur. Tau la niat nak qadha sebab terpaksa bangun awal untuk sahur. Banyak canteekk... Kalo korang tido, angin la satu badan nanti. Then, bagi alasan gastrik lee.. Udah laa, idea lame...
Mase muda ni, tenaga banyak lagi. Nenek aku boleh je bangun kol 3.30 pagi tiap2 pagi then berjalan gi masjid sejauh 1 km dari rumah die. Tiap2 hari. Dah jadi cam rutin lak.. Xde komplen pom...
So, xde alasan untuk xleh pose. Berkat pose ni sape tau. Sihat badan. Ape lagi hah??
Sunday, August 23, 2009
TAk NYanYuk.. LUpe SKEt JeE..
Holiday sudah menjelang.. Time holiday biase la keje pon melambak.. Tak kurang juga ade dikalangan kita yang sengaja wat2 tak tahu..
Biasa la, cuti nak gak enjoy.. Pastu bile da dekat nak abes cuti, mula la menggelabah nak bukak buku, cari information dan lain2..
Aku pon camtu gak.. Sekadar peringatan untuk diri sendiri..
So, kalaulah mase bumi ni kita boleh panjangkan lagi.. Atau pom putar jam ikut suke2 ati..
Best nyeee~
Biasa la, cuti nak gak enjoy.. Pastu bile da dekat nak abes cuti, mula la menggelabah nak bukak buku, cari information dan lain2..
Aku pon camtu gak.. Sekadar peringatan untuk diri sendiri..
So, kalaulah mase bumi ni kita boleh panjangkan lagi.. Atau pom putar jam ikut suke2 ati..
Best nyeee~
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
KinO PUNyeR MajLis
Boley kate aku tak sempat rehat ntuk setahun.. TAhun lepas, kakak ku nyer majlis. Skang abang sulung ku punyer "keje" lak..
Blom kawen lagi.. Juz nak ikat tali pertunangan lue.. Majlis ni sangat boooring bak kate ungkapan bangku "NOT FUN WITHOUT YOU".. Nasib lah ade kawan adik aku si Shifak tak sempurna.
Sorry tak letak pic.. Nowadays aku bencikan kamera.. -_-lll
Kino ni job die sbgai juru cakap sembur @ pape sahaja yang berkaitan ngan bomba.
Time die lead sume orang, aku tak dapat bezakan Kino ni datang sebagai Gloom atau skuad bomba. Punyelah tangan dihayun setinggi mungkin.. Nasib la family belah sane jenis "ade aku kisahh..?"
Time bab makan lagi la aku tak puas ati. Abang tu suruh kami (Aki, Neel dan Shipak) makan. Masalahnye pinggan nasi ade 1 je. Secara spontan aku tanye die "Ni nak soh kami kongsi ke??"
Aku tak kisah pon. Dulu aku penah wat silap. Lagi teruk. Aku wat air sirap tanpa taruk gula. Dah la air tu bagi kat VIP. Nasib baik tak kene buang keje.
So, abang sulung aku pon bakal menamatkan zaman bujang die. Chop! Berenti kat sini jer...
Blom kawen lagi.. Juz nak ikat tali pertunangan lue.. Majlis ni sangat boooring bak kate ungkapan bangku "NOT FUN WITHOUT YOU".. Nasib lah ade kawan adik aku si Shifak tak sempurna.
Sorry tak letak pic.. Nowadays aku bencikan kamera.. -_-lll
Kino ni job die sbgai juru cakap sembur @ pape sahaja yang berkaitan ngan bomba.
Time die lead sume orang, aku tak dapat bezakan Kino ni datang sebagai Gloom atau skuad bomba. Punyelah tangan dihayun setinggi mungkin.. Nasib la family belah sane jenis "ade aku kisahh..?"
Time bab makan lagi la aku tak puas ati. Abang tu suruh kami (Aki, Neel dan Shipak) makan. Masalahnye pinggan nasi ade 1 je. Secara spontan aku tanye die "Ni nak soh kami kongsi ke??"
Aku tak kisah pon. Dulu aku penah wat silap. Lagi teruk. Aku wat air sirap tanpa taruk gula. Dah la air tu bagi kat VIP. Nasib baik tak kene buang keje.
So, abang sulung aku pon bakal menamatkan zaman bujang die. Chop! Berenti kat sini jer...
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
KeNApE akU BenCi PiNk
Pink atau lebih dikenali sebagai merah jambu merupakan satu warna yang cukup menarik bagi kebanyakan perempuan dan kanak2. Tidak kurang juga bagi spesis "pon.." yang turut meminati kaler ini.
Bagi aku, kaler pink ni bersifat terlalu lembut dan adakalanya menyakitkan mata memandang sehingga berbulu mate ku melihat.
Dalam kes lain, pink ini mengingatkan aku pada seekor binatang pink. Tak lain dan tak bukan ialah "h1n1". Mungkin kerana ini aku sangat membenci pink.
P/S: siapa yang boley hilangkan rasa benci aku pada pink, sila angkat tangan!
Bagi aku, kaler pink ni bersifat terlalu lembut dan adakalanya menyakitkan mata memandang sehingga berbulu mate ku melihat.
Dalam kes lain, pink ini mengingatkan aku pada seekor binatang pink. Tak lain dan tak bukan ialah "h1n1". Mungkin kerana ini aku sangat membenci pink.
P/S: siapa yang boley hilangkan rasa benci aku pada pink, sila angkat tangan!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
CitA dAn HaraPan yaNG Tak MungKin Lusuh
Hari semalam berlalu pergi..
Jangan dinanti esok yang pasti menjelang..
Andai aku tahu makna setiap sesuatu..
Ingin aku pelajari hingga ke penghujung..
Yang sudah pasti..
Hidup yang tak mungkin kekal..
Setiap titik perpisahan yang pasti..
Kamu sentiasa ada..
Walaupun hanya sebagai bayangan ilusi..
Sudah cukup meredakan kegusaran..
Setiap langkah yang tertinggal..
Akan segera kuhitung..
Agar kamu tiada lelah..
Dan setiap impian dan cita-cita..
Setia tersemat di dada..
Tiada terhalang..
Kata2 dan janji terdahulu..
Pembakar semangat yang nyata..
Meskipun kamu sudah tiada..
Untuk menagih janji yang lalu..
Masih meneruskan langkah..
Dengan segenggam harapan dan usaha..
Agar kamu bangga..
Hanya kamu..
Jangan dinanti esok yang pasti menjelang..
Andai aku tahu makna setiap sesuatu..
Ingin aku pelajari hingga ke penghujung..
Yang sudah pasti..
Hidup yang tak mungkin kekal..
Setiap titik perpisahan yang pasti..
Kamu sentiasa ada..
Walaupun hanya sebagai bayangan ilusi..
Sudah cukup meredakan kegusaran..
Setiap langkah yang tertinggal..
Akan segera kuhitung..
Agar kamu tiada lelah..
Dan setiap impian dan cita-cita..
Setia tersemat di dada..
Tiada terhalang..
Kata2 dan janji terdahulu..
Pembakar semangat yang nyata..
Meskipun kamu sudah tiada..
Untuk menagih janji yang lalu..
Masih meneruskan langkah..
Dengan segenggam harapan dan usaha..
Agar kamu bangga..
Hanya kamu..
Friday, July 31, 2009
First TimE Ku TEngOK orG Tu NAngiS
first of all... Ku mau ucap tahniah kat penceramah Encik Nik Mat bin Nik Lab sebab mampu buat aku nangis untuk 5 saat..
Tadi aku menghadiri ceramah motivasi Jejak Juara di Maahad Muhammadi Lilbanat. Maklumlah aku antara budak femes, WAJIB dapat invitation motivasi nih.. Abah peneman di sisi.
Sampai satu tahap.. Leceh laa.. Biasa la kalo ceramah y mewajibkan kedatangan mak bapak, sure la ade bab sentimental a.k.a nangis2 berhingus..
Mase aku g menuju ke abah, aku terlihat kelibat seorang bermate merah. Da agak...
Seorang abah susah untuk mengalirkan air mata. Abah aku seorang yang sentiasa hepi. Tu la first time aku tengok die mengalirkan air mata. Bukan air mata kesedihan tau!
Time send abang aku g airport dulu pon die tak nangis... He3
Aku?? Jangan tanye aku... Head post tadi aku da bgtau aku nangis 5 saat..
So, laen kali, kalo ade invitation motivasi camni lagi.. ku tanak hadir... T-T
Biarlah ni jadi ceramah sentimental terakhir untukku~
Tadi aku menghadiri ceramah motivasi Jejak Juara di Maahad Muhammadi Lilbanat. Maklumlah aku antara budak femes, WAJIB dapat invitation motivasi nih.. Abah peneman di sisi.
Sampai satu tahap.. Leceh laa.. Biasa la kalo ceramah y mewajibkan kedatangan mak bapak, sure la ade bab sentimental a.k.a nangis2 berhingus..
"Bile saya pasang lagu sedih ni, saya mau sume orang pegi kat mak abah dan mintak maaf kat dorang."
Mase aku g menuju ke abah, aku terlihat kelibat seorang bermate merah. Da agak...
Seorang abah susah untuk mengalirkan air mata. Abah aku seorang yang sentiasa hepi. Tu la first time aku tengok die mengalirkan air mata. Bukan air mata kesedihan tau!
Time send abang aku g airport dulu pon die tak nangis... He3
Aku?? Jangan tanye aku... Head post tadi aku da bgtau aku nangis 5 saat..
So, laen kali, kalo ade invitation motivasi camni lagi.. ku tanak hadir... T-T
Biarlah ni jadi ceramah sentimental terakhir untukku~
Monday, July 27, 2009
huaa.. huaaa... T-T
Makin dekat exam, makin banyak dugaan aku trime. Aku bukanlah pendekar pinang 2 batang mau say "cobaan" je. Rilex, aku sabar lagi...
Ade la 1 hari nih, aku bengang ngan orang tu. Mane tak bengang main tolak2 pale orang. Pantang keturunan ku main tolak pale tau!
Suke la ko wat camtu sebab aku takkan marah pompuan. Kalo ko laki, da lame aku terajang. Rilex.. Aku masih mampu tersenyum riang.
Balik dari sekolah, aku nk charge hp. Charger hp aku lak rosak! Ish.. Ish... Sabar...
Aku takleh dgr sebarang music ntuk hari tu.
Then, aku masuk bilik private aku.
Sniff* Sniff*
Bau natang pe nih??
Adik bongsu aku masuk...
Eyie : ibu kucing letak anak die lam bilik kak...
Eyh.. Inikah balasan yang ku terima slps ape yang aku wat kat ko, kucim??
Bagai petai lupakan belacan!
Lastly, aku "meletup"...
P/S : Aku sangat stressssss....
Ade la 1 hari nih, aku bengang ngan orang tu. Mane tak bengang main tolak2 pale orang. Pantang keturunan ku main tolak pale tau!
Suke la ko wat camtu sebab aku takkan marah pompuan. Kalo ko laki, da lame aku terajang. Rilex.. Aku masih mampu tersenyum riang.
Balik dari sekolah, aku nk charge hp. Charger hp aku lak rosak! Ish.. Ish... Sabar...
Aku takleh dgr sebarang music ntuk hari tu.
Then, aku masuk bilik private aku.
Sniff* Sniff*
Bau natang pe nih??
Adik bongsu aku masuk...
Eyie : ibu kucing letak anak die lam bilik kak...
Eyh.. Inikah balasan yang ku terima slps ape yang aku wat kat ko, kucim??
Bagai petai lupakan belacan!
Lastly, aku "meletup"...
P/S : Aku sangat stressssss....
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Kesian la sket kat orang laen...
Ku ade blog, korang pon ade.. ku tau...
Blog ni macam2 kite boleh post untuk dikongsi umum. Tak kisah lah illegal copy paste daripada blog orang lain atau curi perbualan daripada rakan YM. Ketidak hadiran idea memaksa seseorang berbuat demikian. Ku tak kisah...
Tapi ku, ade citarasa sendiri.. burger masih lagi pilihan pertama. Ku lebih suka tulis ikut cara sendiri, tulisan sendiri dan idea sendiri. Sekurang-kurang nye ku tak copy paste info orang lain dan sedikit add tulisan sendiri agar orang tak pasan copy yang orang punye. Ku tak kisah...
Consequence nyee, menjadikan illegal blog ini lebih attractive berbanding yang ori. Samalah seperti pembelian VCD cetak rompak. Lembu punye susu, kambing dapat name.
P/S: sama2 lah kita renungkan...
Blog ni macam2 kite boleh post untuk dikongsi umum. Tak kisah lah illegal copy paste daripada blog orang lain atau curi perbualan daripada rakan YM. Ketidak hadiran idea memaksa seseorang berbuat demikian. Ku tak kisah...
Tapi ku, ade citarasa sendiri.. burger masih lagi pilihan pertama. Ku lebih suka tulis ikut cara sendiri, tulisan sendiri dan idea sendiri. Sekurang-kurang nye ku tak copy paste info orang lain dan sedikit add tulisan sendiri agar orang tak pasan copy yang orang punye. Ku tak kisah...
Consequence nyee, menjadikan illegal blog ini lebih attractive berbanding yang ori. Samalah seperti pembelian VCD cetak rompak. Lembu punye susu, kambing dapat name.
P/S: sama2 lah kita renungkan...
Saturday, July 18, 2009
aku kah??...
1. how much yr testimonial in yr profile?
- ntah.. ku dapat je, ku delete.. T-T
2. What was the last song you listened to?
- jason mraz and colbie callad - lucky
3. what time do u sleep at night?
- 12.01 am
4. What is the name of your ex boyfriend?
- ku penah ade boipren kah??
5. If you had a baby right now, what would you name him or her?
- sila rujuk di sini
6. What color are your nails painted right now?
- simple dan ori itu lebey baikk..
7. What is bothering you at the moment?
- line tenet kat uma bakal "dipotong".. sniff*
8. Anything youre looking forward to?
- surat tawaran ke oversea.. he3
9. what brand of shampoo do you use rite now ?
- clean and clear.. eh.. clear lahh!!
10. Don't you love the smelll of hollister?
- ...?
11. Describe your dream bfs.
- perlu ke gitau??
12. What kind of cell phone do you own?
- nokia.. tapi bakal hancur tak lame lagi..
13. Can you believe Kevin Jonas isnt gay, lmao?
- tak knal pom.. kalo betul pom, it concern me not..
14. Myspace or Facebook?
- ruangan aku...
15. When you eat a bread, what do you put on it?
- sume bende aku sumat..
16. What is the background on your cell phone?
- bende yang tak hidup.
17. Who is your favorite person?
- my fren!!..
18. Last movie you cried watching?
- pena ke ku tgk cite pastu nanges??
19. Last time you were honestly angry?
- bile ade orang amek makanan aku.
20. What is your favorite fuunnny youtube video?
- cirit or die dan sewaktu dgn nyee.. many people in your friendlist?
- 1000++.. (aku tipu)
- ntah.. ku dapat je, ku delete.. T-T
2. What was the last song you listened to?
- jason mraz and colbie callad - lucky
3. what time do u sleep at night?
- 12.01 am
4. What is the name of your ex boyfriend?
- ku penah ade boipren kah??
5. If you had a baby right now, what would you name him or her?
- sila rujuk di sini
6. What color are your nails painted right now?
- simple dan ori itu lebey baikk..
7. What is bothering you at the moment?
- line tenet kat uma bakal "dipotong".. sniff*
8. Anything youre looking forward to?
- surat tawaran ke oversea.. he3
9. what brand of shampoo do you use rite now ?
- clean and clear.. eh.. clear lahh!!
10. Don't you love the smelll of hollister?
- ...?
11. Describe your dream bfs.
- perlu ke gitau??
12. What kind of cell phone do you own?
- nokia.. tapi bakal hancur tak lame lagi..
13. Can you believe Kevin Jonas isnt gay, lmao?
- tak knal pom.. kalo betul pom, it concern me not..
14. Myspace or Facebook?
- ruangan aku...
15. When you eat a bread, what do you put on it?
- sume bende aku sumat..
16. What is the background on your cell phone?
- bende yang tak hidup.
17. Who is your favorite person?
- my fren!!..
18. Last movie you cried watching?
- pena ke ku tgk cite pastu nanges??
19. Last time you were honestly angry?
- bile ade orang amek makanan aku.
20. What is your favorite fuunnny youtube video?
- cirit or die dan sewaktu dgn nyee.. many people in your friendlist?
- 1000++.. (aku tipu)
Friday, July 17, 2009
RezEki AtaU peRKarA BiasA?
Hari2 aku gi sekolah, belajar pastu balik. Begitulah rutin seharian. Dah 12 tahun aku kat sekolah. Naik boring daaa...
Mane xboring nye. Kawan yang same... Em.. kau lagi... Ape kate kalau berkawan ngan cicak sekali sekala?? Xpom ngan Godzilla ke...
Ade la 1 hari ni aku balik sekolah, cam biase laa... Mak aku cakap surat doktor sampai.
Kecut perut aku. Ingatkan aku sakit ke hapa.. Mark that lain kali kalu korang nak bagitau sesuatu berita, cakap biar terang...
Aku tengok surat tu...
"Pengambilan nurse baru di KIST..."
Abah aku orang paling hepi.. sebab 3 tahun lepas, dia hope aku jadi doktor. Maafkan aku. Aku ingat nak amek kos CEH dan CAT (Shak, aku tak maksudkan kucing dikau!)
Kat universiti la kalo boley.. Ku tanak bgtau lagi takutnye xlayak masuk. Tapi sure mau TOP universiti Malaysia. Don't worry aku tak masuk u yang same dengan korang. Jangan risaulah...
Mane xboring nye. Kawan yang same... Em.. kau lagi... Ape kate kalau berkawan ngan cicak sekali sekala?? Xpom ngan Godzilla ke...
Ade la 1 hari ni aku balik sekolah, cam biase laa... Mak aku cakap surat doktor sampai.
Kecut perut aku. Ingatkan aku sakit ke hapa.. Mark that lain kali kalu korang nak bagitau sesuatu berita, cakap biar terang...
Aku tengok surat tu...
"Pengambilan nurse baru di KIST..."
Abah aku orang paling hepi.. sebab 3 tahun lepas, dia hope aku jadi doktor. Maafkan aku. Aku ingat nak amek kos CEH dan CAT (Shak, aku tak maksudkan kucing dikau!)
Kat universiti la kalo boley.. Ku tanak bgtau lagi takutnye xlayak masuk. Tapi sure mau TOP universiti Malaysia. Don't worry aku tak masuk u yang same dengan korang. Jangan risaulah...
Monday, July 13, 2009
JUz BEcOz i Am a ReaL LucKy...
There's no other reason why i can't stop smiling and keep smiling till last of the day. i have a naughty father and a talkative mom. They will always be at my heart. i will make sure of it.
They have a kids too. But all of them have already grown-up. The first son, Kino-kun..
He is the oldest of all. Because he is the first son, that's why.. He is caring and the first thing in his mind is about his family. The 2nd one is a girl but she is already married. So, i should call her a "woman" -lah. She is the most handsome of all of her sibling. i wonder how she look like.
The 3rd one is like a pirate. He has both good and bad side. When he is in a bad shape, he will eat.. yeah.. eat my chocolate.. T-T
But i am reaaaaally jealous over him. He is loved by all.
The 4th. Most of all know this one. He is just like an ustaz. Eh, he already be an ustaz. Forgot.. i hate him at first because he always insult me. He is still like that even now. Hope he permanently be like this because he is him. No one can ever be like him.
5th.. Me lah. i am super mega ultra hyper active. Can't easily stop once i have started. And a little curios. Hehehehe
6th. My little sis. She is 2 years younger than me but she looks 10 times older than me. Not fair.
My lil brother. He is the youngest of all. 10 is young enough eh?? He is innocent type i guess. And he have a same foot size as mine. (Patut la kasut aku selalu hilang).
So, i should regard as i have them. As so, i will keep them next to my heart.
They have a kids too. But all of them have already grown-up. The first son, Kino-kun..
He is the oldest of all. Because he is the first son, that's why.. He is caring and the first thing in his mind is about his family. The 2nd one is a girl but she is already married. So, i should call her a "woman" -lah. She is the most handsome of all of her sibling. i wonder how she look like.
The 3rd one is like a pirate. He has both good and bad side. When he is in a bad shape, he will eat.. yeah.. eat my chocolate.. T-T
But i am reaaaaally jealous over him. He is loved by all.
The 4th. Most of all know this one. He is just like an ustaz. Eh, he already be an ustaz. Forgot.. i hate him at first because he always insult me. He is still like that even now. Hope he permanently be like this because he is him. No one can ever be like him.
5th.. Me lah. i am super mega ultra hyper active. Can't easily stop once i have started. And a little curios. Hehehehe
6th. My little sis. She is 2 years younger than me but she looks 10 times older than me. Not fair.
My lil brother. He is the youngest of all. 10 is young enough eh?? He is innocent type i guess. And he have a same foot size as mine. (Patut la kasut aku selalu hilang).
So, i should regard as i have them. As so, i will keep them next to my heart.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
HaMPir TiBA~ SPM (T-T)
Mase aku amat terhad.. Ape kes TRIAL SPM awal bulan 8 weyy.. Menurut YIK (Yayasan Islam Kelantan), perkara ni berlaku disebabkan oleh bulan Ramadhan yang hampir menjelang tiba. Abes, kalo Ramadhan bulan 6, TRIAL SPM bulan 5 lahh...?? NOT FAIR!!
Sure thing, berite yang aku dapat ni amat memeranjatkan. Sume tunduk membisu. Mulut memang le xcakap pape.. dalam hati abez binatang dalam zoo dilontar keluar.. Sumpah serakah pon da xgune lagi. Yang ade hanye 1 jalan...
Tapi ade gak yang cari alasan tanak masuk Exam Hall sebab terlalu tensen.. Rilex.. Aku tensen gak...
Sure thing, berite yang aku dapat ni amat memeranjatkan. Sume tunduk membisu. Mulut memang le xcakap pape.. dalam hati abez binatang dalam zoo dilontar keluar.. Sumpah serakah pon da xgune lagi. Yang ade hanye 1 jalan...
Tapi ade gak yang cari alasan tanak masuk Exam Hall sebab terlalu tensen.. Rilex.. Aku tensen gak...
"15 batang pokok ditebang untuk membuat 1 kertas SPM.. So, demi menyelamatkan hutan kite, SAY NO TO SPM!! Sebarkan kepada member2 yang amek SPM tahun ni!! Same2 kite jaga hutan MALAYSIA!!"
Friday, June 26, 2009
KerJA SenaNg YanG SusaH NAk bUAt
kakak aku call lam minggu lepas dan tanye pendapat aku and family name yang sesuai untuk "ahli baru". Kakak aku ni baru kahwin bulan 3 lepas, so pepaham je la.
Kakak aku cakap, kalu boley nak name yang ade blakang depan nye "A...S" "S...A"..
aku pon xpasti...
berikut adalah idea2 yang berjaya dilontarkan...
A.IWE : Amerika Syarikat
KAKAK : Aswan Shahril
NEELZAHS : Syafiq Azmi
AKIFAYS : SimA SyafikA
A.IWE : Saye rasA
KAKAK : ....? (sabar je laa...)
Tapi, kakak aku lebih suke ngan name ARI...ARI.. something like that. So, kalo korang ade idea, tolong bagitau yeh...
Kakak aku cakap, kalu boley nak name yang ade blakang depan nye "A...S" "S...A"..
aku pon xpasti...
berikut adalah idea2 yang berjaya dilontarkan...
A.IWE : Amerika Syarikat
KAKAK : Aswan Shahril
NEELZAHS : Syafiq Azmi
AKIFAYS : SimA SyafikA
A.IWE : Saye rasA
KAKAK : ....? (sabar je laa...)
Tapi, kakak aku lebih suke ngan name ARI...ARI.. something like that. So, kalo korang ade idea, tolong bagitau yeh...
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Bukan SaLah WebCam
Aku baru add account skype lebih kurang 10 minit tadi dan pertama kali aku menggunakan webcam melalui Skype.
Terlalu banyak perbezaan dalam penggunaan webcam di YM dan Skype. Walaupun anda menggunakan webcam yang paling murah di dunia, pergerakan anda sangat clear di Skype berbanding di YM.
info lebih lanjut:
Yahoo! Messenger
Terlalu banyak perbezaan dalam penggunaan webcam di YM dan Skype. Walaupun anda menggunakan webcam yang paling murah di dunia, pergerakan anda sangat clear di Skype berbanding di YM.
info lebih lanjut:
Yahoo! Messenger
Monday, June 22, 2009
Mid tErm yEar ExaMinatioN 09'
sume markah untuk subjek yang aku amek dah dapat. Seperti biasa aku sentiasa xdapat ape yang aku nak (stupid akifays, did't I ask you to study??)
yeah. Nak buka buku pon rasa cam dah xde semangat. Nak kate syaitan rasuk xde la pulak..
Sepanjang persekolahan aku, ni lah kali pertama aku rase begitu tertekan. Udah le xdapat markah yang kiut, dapat lak title lesbian. Memang kuajaq la budak yang bagi title ni kat aku. Hey, aku tau la korang jeles sebab aku rapat ngan budak2 kiut lagi miut. jangan le sebarkan fitnah ni lak (sabar aki..)
So, berbalik kepada title..
bagi pelajar yang mendapat title best student (10 A ke atas ONLY) akan mendapat satu tag bintang. (kesian betul aku xdapat)
Bebudak kelas 5A3~
kalo xcilap aku, xde yang dapat tag bintang ni. Bravo to all sebab dapat markah yang baik berbanding exam awal tahun baru2 ni. (jangan tanye aku dapat bape tapi sure aku dah pecah rekod 2nd brother aku..)
Aku masih lagi meneruskan cita2 aku nak *tut* (akan diberitahu kemudian)
p/s: kepada member2.. sori la weyh aku jarang gile online skam. kalo aku nak, bile2 mase boley tapi aku pilih untuk TIDAK ONLINE... dan kepada 2-3 member yang selalu gaduh ngan aku tu, kita sambung pergaduhan lepas SPM aku ni okey...
yeah. Nak buka buku pon rasa cam dah xde semangat. Nak kate syaitan rasuk xde la pulak..
Sepanjang persekolahan aku, ni lah kali pertama aku rase begitu tertekan. Udah le xdapat markah yang kiut, dapat lak title lesbian. Memang kuajaq la budak yang bagi title ni kat aku. Hey, aku tau la korang jeles sebab aku rapat ngan budak2 kiut lagi miut. jangan le sebarkan fitnah ni lak (sabar aki..)
So, berbalik kepada title..
bagi pelajar yang mendapat title best student (10 A ke atas ONLY) akan mendapat satu tag bintang. (kesian betul aku xdapat)
Bebudak kelas 5A3~
kalo xcilap aku, xde yang dapat tag bintang ni. Bravo to all sebab dapat markah yang baik berbanding exam awal tahun baru2 ni. (jangan tanye aku dapat bape tapi sure aku dah pecah rekod 2nd brother aku..)
Aku masih lagi meneruskan cita2 aku nak *tut* (akan diberitahu kemudian)
p/s: kepada member2.. sori la weyh aku jarang gile online skam. kalo aku nak, bile2 mase boley tapi aku pilih untuk TIDAK ONLINE... dan kepada 2-3 member yang selalu gaduh ngan aku tu, kita sambung pergaduhan lepas SPM aku ni okey...
Thursday, June 18, 2009
kepada member2 aku yang bakal pekse tak kirelah pekse PMRU, PMR, SMU ataupon SPM.. termasuklah dikalangan kengkawan yang aku yang dalam nak masuk matriks atau universiti.. xkirelah.. aku maksudkan sume.. GOOD LUCK all yeh.. sini aku jumpa 1 lagu yang tak brape best untuk didengar.. terimalah...
sedey aq~
sedey aq~
Monday, June 15, 2009
tag from alien...
1. When did you bought your pet/pets?
2004 = ikan flowerhorn tapi dah mati sbb tercekik.
2007 = hamster tapi da mati sbb aku cekik.
2. When is the most embarassing moments in your life?
tadak lagi dan harap takkan ada.
3. What make you hate your fav. food all of sudden?
bile makanan tu basi
4. Do you love to watch MyGirl?
em.. boley laa.
5. Who is the first person that wish you 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY'?
diri sendiri. sbb jarang orang ingat besday aku.
6. When is your fun moments in your life?
time dok time square.
7. Have you ever drank oil that you think it was tea?
tak penah tapi aku penah minum kicap yang kusangkakan kopi.
8. Do your teacher ever said to you 'You are the bad student in my class!'?
Yap. time zaman aku nakal dulu.
9. Who always make you laugh?
*number yang anda dail tiada dalam perkhidmatan kami*
10. This is the last question: Do you think you are going to marry te person you love now in the future?
i am not in love. sorry...
2004 = ikan flowerhorn tapi dah mati sbb tercekik.
2007 = hamster tapi da mati sbb aku cekik.
2. When is the most embarassing moments in your life?
tadak lagi dan harap takkan ada.
3. What make you hate your fav. food all of sudden?
bile makanan tu basi
4. Do you love to watch MyGirl?
em.. boley laa.
5. Who is the first person that wish you 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY'?
diri sendiri. sbb jarang orang ingat besday aku.
6. When is your fun moments in your life?
time dok time square.
7. Have you ever drank oil that you think it was tea?
tak penah tapi aku penah minum kicap yang kusangkakan kopi.
8. Do your teacher ever said to you 'You are the bad student in my class!'?
Yap. time zaman aku nakal dulu.
9. Who always make you laugh?
*number yang anda dail tiada dalam perkhidmatan kami*
10. This is the last question: Do you think you are going to marry te person you love now in the future?
i am not in love. sorry...
Sunday, June 14, 2009
A small letter from a small friends
this post is dedicated to all who knows akifays. No exception...
to all my fellow friends, i am so sorry as i always insult you, bothering you all the time. From the start, i like you all. Yeah. i don't have many friends out there. That's why you guys are so important to me. i adore all of you.
i am not a wise friends. Can do nothing much. Even so, i will tags along with you guys no matter how hard the situation you got there.
But, how am i suppose to do when you are against me?? You hate me. When this happen, i can no longer tags side by side with you. All i can do is just praying for your happiness.
i may not your true friends. But i can be as one. Promise...
to all my fellow friends, i am so sorry as i always insult you, bothering you all the time. From the start, i like you all. Yeah. i don't have many friends out there. That's why you guys are so important to me. i adore all of you.
i am not a wise friends. Can do nothing much. Even so, i will tags along with you guys no matter how hard the situation you got there.
But, how am i suppose to do when you are against me?? You hate me. When this happen, i can no longer tags side by side with you. All i can do is just praying for your happiness.
i may not your true friends. But i can be as one. Promise...
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Akifays is dead
KOTA BHARU : Akifays has been discovered after 6 hours being murdered. The witnessed, Neelzahs said "She is being murdered! i saw it in front of my eyes!" Unfortunately, the police has found zero clued about this case except the burger which is being held by Akifays went missing.
In order to find the objective (burger), the sense of smelling Hepicat is needed. So far so good as Hapicat found other clues. The sewel-ness of wawasewel gone bad after she got this stupid news.
The police can't go any further as this kind of hard job need strong and patient heart. As so, Gomoman shows up. He tries to help finding the killer and neglect his true duty to conquer Malaysia. On the road, we can see the bud of flower which is been spread off by lulyblossom in order to respect the dead.
Afterwards, Akifays's burger which went missing at first has been found. it was taken by si kaki bangku, Mubaroque. At this point, he is being accused for murder. Lucky enough that other of his friends come over and said it was a burger PERCUMA.
This case isn't closed yet till the killer been discovered. Hepicat struggle hard in smelling till the time he got the swine flu. Oh God, he must stop his searching now. Now, only Neelzahs and Gomoman do the job. Chipmunks shows up at last. She is well-known as "nakal kid's MMP". So, the group has been encouraged by Chipmunks.
After a weeks, Gomoman got an urgent call which from Izzah that need him overnight. Neelzahs tried hard to call back Akifays's friends. Her pleas was a fruitless till the time Akiemaye, Nicky and Nisa come over.
According to Hepicat, the suspect was hiding near Kok Lanas. As so, the searching group went berserk and alas the killer has been caught.
The question is....who is Akifays's killer?
Neelzahs can't bear to hold her tears and snatch the power ranger's masket which being used by the murderer. The group was dumb-shocked as the killer is.......
In order to find the objective (burger), the sense of smelling Hepicat is needed. So far so good as Hapicat found other clues. The sewel-ness of wawasewel gone bad after she got this stupid news.
The police can't go any further as this kind of hard job need strong and patient heart. As so, Gomoman shows up. He tries to help finding the killer and neglect his true duty to conquer Malaysia. On the road, we can see the bud of flower which is been spread off by lulyblossom in order to respect the dead.
Afterwards, Akifays's burger which went missing at first has been found. it was taken by si kaki bangku, Mubaroque. At this point, he is being accused for murder. Lucky enough that other of his friends come over and said it was a burger PERCUMA.
This case isn't closed yet till the killer been discovered. Hepicat struggle hard in smelling till the time he got the swine flu. Oh God, he must stop his searching now. Now, only Neelzahs and Gomoman do the job. Chipmunks shows up at last. She is well-known as "nakal kid's MMP". So, the group has been encouraged by Chipmunks.
After a weeks, Gomoman got an urgent call which from Izzah that need him overnight. Neelzahs tried hard to call back Akifays's friends. Her pleas was a fruitless till the time Akiemaye, Nicky and Nisa come over.
According to Hepicat, the suspect was hiding near Kok Lanas. As so, the searching group went berserk and alas the killer has been caught.
The question is....who is Akifays's killer?
Neelzahs can't bear to hold her tears and snatch the power ranger's masket which being used by the murderer. The group was dumb-shocked as the killer is.......
Thursday, June 11, 2009
kerana aku PUNCHING BAG
aku sayang punching bag. bile aku stress, aku boleh pukul dia. aku boleh maki hamun dia. dia tak akan lawan balik. aku tahu. sebab dia sedar dia tercipta untuk dipukul dan dimaki hamun tanpa henti.
walaupun begitu, aku sayang dia. sebab dia tak akan menagih kemaafan dari aku. itu lah punching bag.
tapi.. kalaulah aku jadi punching bag....
pukul aku.. maki hamun aku..
kan aku punching bag...
tercipta untuk dipukul dan disakiti. betulla kan?? kalaulah aku punching bag yang boleh bersuara, aku mau tanya kau... "what's wrong with you today??"
shh... tak perlu minta maaf.. aku kan punching bag.. aku hanya mahu kan jawapan kepada soalan aku.. bukan kata maaf.. chill ok...
aku kan punching bag...
walaupun begitu, aku sayang dia. sebab dia tak akan menagih kemaafan dari aku. itu lah punching bag.
tapi.. kalaulah aku jadi punching bag....
pukul aku.. maki hamun aku..
kan aku punching bag...
tercipta untuk dipukul dan disakiti. betulla kan?? kalaulah aku punching bag yang boleh bersuara, aku mau tanya kau... "what's wrong with you today??"
shh... tak perlu minta maaf.. aku kan punching bag.. aku hanya mahu kan jawapan kepada soalan aku.. bukan kata maaf.. chill ok...
aku kan punching bag...
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
AnaK DatO VS cUcu AtoK
hidup seperti mat saleh.. gorgeous??
hidup seperti orang melayu.. oh, my GOD??
ape la..
andai kate aku anak kepada seorang usahawan bertitle DATO'. taknak aku. name pon lagi macam DATUK. seperti seseorang yang tak perlu berusaha untuk mendapatkan sesuatu.
ade duit, sume ko dapat. dgn kate lain, MONEY'S TALK..
andai kate aku cucu kepada seorang ATOK. hehehe.. atok akan ajar aku ape itu erti berusaha untuk maju. dalam pada itu, aku turut diajar mengenali erti penat lelah dan asam garam kehidupan. so, kalo nak pape kene sabar la yeh.. dan teruskan perjuangan anda.
ade sesetengah orang kate, anak Dato' ni lebih bijak dan pandai dari cucu atok.. apekah benar kenyataan ini?? maybe.. tapi.. penah ke anak Dato' masuk list lam malaysian's top student?? em.. lupe lak. anak Dato' xblaja kat malaysia. dorang g overseas terus. tapi kalo cucu atok nak g overseas macam anak Dato', kene usaha tau. dan jangan nakal2.
cucu atok ni adalah lebih femes daripada anak Dato'. buktinya 1 daripada perbualan atok dan cucunya menjadi perbualan di mase kini...
"atok.. ni siput ape??"
"ni siput babi.."
"siput ape??"
"siput babi sayang.."
"siput ape??"
"siput la babi!"
dan adekah anak dato' xfemes?? bukan tu maksud aku.. femes gak.. tapi lam bab lain la. contoh di bahagian office or whatever...
maaf.. aku dok kat kampung.. so, xde dengar lagi perbualan mereka..
anak Dato' ni lebih di-neglected berbanding cucu atok. kerana ini hidup mereka lebih berdikari dan suka makan kari. walaupun begitu, cucu atok juga boleh makan kari. tapi kene masak sendiri la. (ape aku melalut ni??)
cucu atok juga harus pandai berjimat cermat. kerana itu mereka lebih kedekut dan sangat suka makan burger. anak Dato' tak perlu sume tu. pizza dan western food jadi pilihan.
so... boleh kita buat perbandingan antara keduanya ini. mana 1 kah anda? renungkan...
hidup seperti orang melayu.. oh, my GOD??
ape la..
andai kate aku anak kepada seorang usahawan bertitle DATO'. taknak aku. name pon lagi macam DATUK. seperti seseorang yang tak perlu berusaha untuk mendapatkan sesuatu.
ade duit, sume ko dapat. dgn kate lain, MONEY'S TALK..
andai kate aku cucu kepada seorang ATOK. hehehe.. atok akan ajar aku ape itu erti berusaha untuk maju. dalam pada itu, aku turut diajar mengenali erti penat lelah dan asam garam kehidupan. so, kalo nak pape kene sabar la yeh.. dan teruskan perjuangan anda.
ade sesetengah orang kate, anak Dato' ni lebih bijak dan pandai dari cucu atok.. apekah benar kenyataan ini?? maybe.. tapi.. penah ke anak Dato' masuk list lam malaysian's top student?? em.. lupe lak. anak Dato' xblaja kat malaysia. dorang g overseas terus. tapi kalo cucu atok nak g overseas macam anak Dato', kene usaha tau. dan jangan nakal2.
cucu atok ni adalah lebih femes daripada anak Dato'. buktinya 1 daripada perbualan atok dan cucunya menjadi perbualan di mase kini...
"atok.. ni siput ape??"
"ni siput babi.."
"siput ape??"
"siput babi sayang.."
"siput ape??"
"siput la babi!"
dan adekah anak dato' xfemes?? bukan tu maksud aku.. femes gak.. tapi lam bab lain la. contoh di bahagian office or whatever...
maaf.. aku dok kat kampung.. so, xde dengar lagi perbualan mereka..
anak Dato' ni lebih di-neglected berbanding cucu atok. kerana ini hidup mereka lebih berdikari dan suka makan kari. walaupun begitu, cucu atok juga boleh makan kari. tapi kene masak sendiri la. (ape aku melalut ni??)
cucu atok juga harus pandai berjimat cermat. kerana itu mereka lebih kedekut dan sangat suka makan burger. anak Dato' tak perlu sume tu. pizza dan western food jadi pilihan.
so... boleh kita buat perbandingan antara keduanya ini. mana 1 kah anda? renungkan...
Monday, June 8, 2009
means of my name...
You Are Seductive and Ruthless
You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.
You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know.
You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.
You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.
You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated.
You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want.
You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way!
You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic "Type A" personality.
You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in.
You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising.
You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care.
You are loving, compassionate, and ruled by your feelings.
You are able to be a foundation for other people... but you still know how to have fun.
Sometimes your emotions weigh you down, but you generally feel free from them.
You are a seeker of knowledge, and you have learned many things in your life.
You are also a keeper of knowledge - meaning you don't spill secrets or spread gossip.
People sometimes think you're snobby or aloof, but you're just too deep in thought to pay attention to them.
You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.
You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know.
You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.
You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.
You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated.
You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want.
You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way!
You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic "Type A" personality.
You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in.
You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising.
You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care.
You are loving, compassionate, and ruled by your feelings.
You are able to be a foundation for other people... but you still know how to have fun.
Sometimes your emotions weigh you down, but you generally feel free from them.
You are a seeker of knowledge, and you have learned many things in your life.
You are also a keeper of knowledge - meaning you don't spill secrets or spread gossip.
People sometimes think you're snobby or aloof, but you're just too deep in thought to pay attention to them.
(1) 3 Names in Your Inbox Cellphone
Nisa Gothic, Siput Kering and Yunie the Yunan
(2) Your Main Ringtone
secondhand serenade - fall for you
(3) What U Did At 12 Last Night?
sapu hidung.
(4) Who Was The Last Person You Went Out With? Where?
Nicky and Nana at KBmall. siput and judin too.
(5) The Color 0f The T-Shirt You’re Wearing? Now?
Hijau katak
(6) The Last Thing U Did?
makan ubat demam.
(7) 3 of Your Everyday Favorite Items
Hand phone.. 1 ni je sbb ade byk mp3 lam hp...
(8) The Color of Your Bedroom?
(9) How Much Money in Your Wallet Now?
RM 38
(10) How’s Life?
(11) Your Favorite Song?
Linkin Park - what've done???
(12) What Will You Do Next Weekend?
sekolah da minggu depan..
(13) When Was The Last Time You Saw Your Mom?
last time? aku dok serumah ngn mak. ari2 jumpe.
(14) Where Is She Now?
lam bilik. tido.
(15) When Was The Last Time You Talked To Your Parent?
tadi sebelum dorang tido.
(16) Who Is The Last Person That Texted You?
Nisa Gothic = wess,, ko wt hal pe ag kt skula? aku baru bace kmen ko..
(17) Where Did You Have Dinner Last Night?
sehari suntuk aku xmakan.
(18) The Last Surprise You Got?
em.. tadak ag mende y wat aku terkezut..
(19) Last Thing You Borrowed From Your Friend
aku tak amek barang org. maap.
(20) Who is Your Bf/Gf Or Husband/Wife?
nak nyepak??
(21) What Do You Feel Now?
(22) Wanna Share With Who?
share nazak?? live together die alone la wey..
(23) Who Knows Your Secret?
family and close friends only.
(24) They Keep Your Secret?
yep. kalo tak, nahas la...
(25) Are You Angry With Someone?
x.. aku budak baik..
(26) What do you order at McD?
boycott la..
(27) The Last Time You Felt So Sad?
(28) Mahu Tag?
aik... tadi solan BI pehal tetibe BM ni? tanak r...
Nisa Gothic, Siput Kering and Yunie the Yunan
(2) Your Main Ringtone
secondhand serenade - fall for you
(3) What U Did At 12 Last Night?
sapu hidung.
(4) Who Was The Last Person You Went Out With? Where?
Nicky and Nana at KBmall. siput and judin too.
(5) The Color 0f The T-Shirt You’re Wearing? Now?
Hijau katak
(6) The Last Thing U Did?
makan ubat demam.
(7) 3 of Your Everyday Favorite Items
Hand phone.. 1 ni je sbb ade byk mp3 lam hp...
(8) The Color of Your Bedroom?
(9) How Much Money in Your Wallet Now?
RM 38
(10) How’s Life?
(11) Your Favorite Song?
Linkin Park - what've done???
(12) What Will You Do Next Weekend?
sekolah da minggu depan..
(13) When Was The Last Time You Saw Your Mom?
last time? aku dok serumah ngn mak. ari2 jumpe.
(14) Where Is She Now?
lam bilik. tido.
(15) When Was The Last Time You Talked To Your Parent?
tadi sebelum dorang tido.
(16) Who Is The Last Person That Texted You?
Nisa Gothic = wess,, ko wt hal pe ag kt skula? aku baru bace kmen ko..
(17) Where Did You Have Dinner Last Night?
sehari suntuk aku xmakan.
(18) The Last Surprise You Got?
em.. tadak ag mende y wat aku terkezut..
(19) Last Thing You Borrowed From Your Friend
aku tak amek barang org. maap.
(20) Who is Your Bf/Gf Or Husband/Wife?
nak nyepak??
(21) What Do You Feel Now?
(22) Wanna Share With Who?
share nazak?? live together die alone la wey..
(23) Who Knows Your Secret?
family and close friends only.
(24) They Keep Your Secret?
yep. kalo tak, nahas la...
(25) Are You Angry With Someone?
x.. aku budak baik..
(26) What do you order at McD?
boycott la..
(27) The Last Time You Felt So Sad?
(28) Mahu Tag?
aik... tadi solan BI pehal tetibe BM ni? tanak r...
the 10th number...
aku dapat invitation buat kali ke ke-13 dalam cuti ni. Tapi hanya menghadirkan diri kat 4 tempat je. Inilah buktinya aku kurang sosial. Saya raseee~
7 jun 2009
nicky baru je clash ngan balak nye yang tak gune tu, so nicky ajak aku ke kbmall ntuk release tensen. aku demam time tu. Tapi sbb die betul2 perlukan aku, aku g la. Aku naik taxi pagi tu. Sampai2 je aku gado ngn mamat alien xpepasal. Memang mengganggu ketenteraman awam wa cakap lu.
unknown : i love you
Akifays : who's dis pokemon?
unknown : i am not pokemon. i am digimon.
Akifays : so u cannot love me. i am power rangers.
unknown : then i'll change myself to power rangers la.
Akifays : cannot too because there's no more free place available for a new member.
unknown : ha3. Dun worry. i've back to my planet.
Akifays : i got it. u are an alien. so i'll fight u.
unknown : *gasp* we are too many. can u do it?
Akifays : what do u mean? i am not alone. i have everyone beside me.
unknown : ha3
Off HP
tunggu punye tunggu... mane minah ni...
sejurus terlihat kelibat manusia separuh zebra melintas di hadapan.
Akifays : NICKY!
Nicky : hoh.. Jupe pom. Jumpe Nana?
Akifays : *geleng2*
kami masuk dalam Mall. Pastu jumpe ramai bebudak bertitle indie, shuffler, emo, gothic, punk (perlu ke list 1-1??) etc...etc...
jumpe mak kpd ex-kayu balak Nicky. ade keje sket aku tanak citer panjang2....
makan2 chicken chop (ni pom sbb ade org belanje aku, klo x jgn harap aku nk beli sendirik)
tetibe ade orang tutup mate aku. eh silap. aku pakai spek so die tutup spek aku la.
Akifays : ....ngggg..
*penutup* : he3
Akifays : siput kering?
aku xplan pom nk jumpe girlfriend aku y sorang ni. Tapi sure thim, die dah jumpe aku. Heeeish~
beli birthday present kat die. xde pape. Lembu sekor je. Siput panggil Gemo. aku lak panggil Gemok.
Pastu kami dikejar 2 mamat seperti bangla y bermuka seperti petai (uiiishh...uduhnye mulut aku).
incoming call~
Akifays : This is the voice mail box for the number *tut* (xya bgtau la)
die letak tepon. apekah suara ku betul2 seperti suare komputer tu?
kami berlari2 bertaburan tak ubah seperti batman baru keluar dari gua. Nana yang baru lepas makan pom terpaksa berlari gak. sian die.
Akifays : siput.. nak puking.
Siput : TIDAKK!!
Akiays : .....em..em... *nearly blackout*...
Siput : tunggu Nicky. die da nk sampai.
Nicky and Nana arrive...
Akifays : nak balik da all. ok. nice meeting all.
All : ok...
ondawe nak g tunggu bas. aku ternampak iklan "digi happy". aku emo, kalo aku beli, aku ley hepi ke? try lue...
belon digi : ye adik. kami wat prommosi digi. rm10 ntuk 1 number. boley daftar sampai 10 number tuk 1 ic.
Akifays : apekah....?
belon digi : meh nak ajar cara penggunaan...bla bla bla (aku tak dengar pom)
Akifays : *hands went trembling*
belon digi : so, adik nak beli kene bg ic la
Akifays : *handed over ic*
belon digi : 18 tahun??
Akifays : knape?? tak percaye??
belon digi : ......
aku beli 2 number. 1 untuk neelzahs. niat aku beli ni sbb nk blah dari gangguan alien and preydator2 laen y suke main kejar2. aku lebey sukakan privacy and serenity. aku ade hp pom sbb music je. laen hal tadak!
7 jun 2009
nicky baru je clash ngan balak nye yang tak gune tu, so nicky ajak aku ke kbmall ntuk release tensen. aku demam time tu. Tapi sbb die betul2 perlukan aku, aku g la. Aku naik taxi pagi tu. Sampai2 je aku gado ngn mamat alien xpepasal. Memang mengganggu ketenteraman awam wa cakap lu.
unknown : i love you
Akifays : who's dis pokemon?
unknown : i am not pokemon. i am digimon.
Akifays : so u cannot love me. i am power rangers.
unknown : then i'll change myself to power rangers la.
Akifays : cannot too because there's no more free place available for a new member.
unknown : ha3. Dun worry. i've back to my planet.
Akifays : i got it. u are an alien. so i'll fight u.
unknown : *gasp* we are too many. can u do it?
Akifays : what do u mean? i am not alone. i have everyone beside me.
unknown : ha3
Off HP
tunggu punye tunggu... mane minah ni...
sejurus terlihat kelibat manusia separuh zebra melintas di hadapan.
Akifays : NICKY!
Nicky : hoh.. Jupe pom. Jumpe Nana?
Akifays : *geleng2*
kami masuk dalam Mall. Pastu jumpe ramai bebudak bertitle indie, shuffler, emo, gothic, punk (perlu ke list 1-1??) etc...etc...
jumpe mak kpd ex-kayu balak Nicky. ade keje sket aku tanak citer panjang2....
makan2 chicken chop (ni pom sbb ade org belanje aku, klo x jgn harap aku nk beli sendirik)
tetibe ade orang tutup mate aku. eh silap. aku pakai spek so die tutup spek aku la.
Akifays : ....ngggg..
*penutup* : he3
Akifays : siput kering?
aku xplan pom nk jumpe girlfriend aku y sorang ni. Tapi sure thim, die dah jumpe aku. Heeeish~
beli birthday present kat die. xde pape. Lembu sekor je. Siput panggil Gemo. aku lak panggil Gemok.
Pastu kami dikejar 2 mamat seperti bangla y bermuka seperti petai (uiiishh...uduhnye mulut aku).
incoming call~
Akifays : This is the voice mail box for the number *tut* (xya bgtau la)
die letak tepon. apekah suara ku betul2 seperti suare komputer tu?
kami berlari2 bertaburan tak ubah seperti batman baru keluar dari gua. Nana yang baru lepas makan pom terpaksa berlari gak. sian die.
Akifays : siput.. nak puking.
Siput : TIDAKK!!
Akiays : .....em..em... *nearly blackout*...
Siput : tunggu Nicky. die da nk sampai.
Nicky and Nana arrive...
Akifays : nak balik da all. ok. nice meeting all.
All : ok...
ondawe nak g tunggu bas. aku ternampak iklan "digi happy". aku emo, kalo aku beli, aku ley hepi ke? try lue...
belon digi : ye adik. kami wat prommosi digi. rm10 ntuk 1 number. boley daftar sampai 10 number tuk 1 ic.
Akifays : apekah....?
belon digi : meh nak ajar cara penggunaan...bla bla bla (aku tak dengar pom)
Akifays : *hands went trembling*
belon digi : so, adik nak beli kene bg ic la
Akifays : *handed over ic*
belon digi : 18 tahun??
Akifays : knape?? tak percaye??
belon digi : ......
aku beli 2 number. 1 untuk neelzahs. niat aku beli ni sbb nk blah dari gangguan alien and preydator2 laen y suke main kejar2. aku lebey sukakan privacy and serenity. aku ade hp pom sbb music je. laen hal tadak!
Friday, June 5, 2009
the biggest burger
these are the nicest picture of burger i got here. at least i can stay well fed in 3 days for a burgers.





should i tell you this. this is not the biggest yet before i found other new pictures...



sick of watching?? remains watching this. Because this is a REAL BIGGEST BURGER. Maybe for now...




okey.. you can go.. but don't forget to grab one double cheese burger for me..
Cari makan,
Thursday, June 4, 2009
abort! abort!
today i got a picture which being shoot at her convocation ceremony. Which is...








sekadar tontonan.. byk lagi pic tapi aq maleh nk masukkan.. sorry arp..
sekadar tontonan.. byk lagi pic tapi aq maleh nk masukkan.. sorry arp..
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Love in Hatred
i have someone that i hate most...
i wonder why
everyday is just same to me...
i hate him...
but in return...
he cares all bout me...
i wonder why...
and once my heart spoke...
"do you really hate someone that love you?"
yes...he do cares bout me...
but i hate when he do...
i wonder why...
let say...
my feeling towards him...
i wonder why
everyday is just same to me...
i hate him...
but in return...
he cares all bout me...
i wonder why...
and once my heart spoke...
"do you really hate someone that love you?"
yes...he do cares bout me...
but i hate when he do...
i wonder why...
let say...
my feeling towards him...
Monday, June 1, 2009
Went to KL...again...
29 MAY 2009
Welcome to KL. Dunia umpama neraka, hidup ibarat layang2.
A very warm welcoming i got here. A journey on the road about 6-7 hours could really make you bored to death i can tell. And i am afraid of these people who love puking in the car!

we drop by at perhentian Gua Musang a.k.a R&R Gua Musang. Huh? Butterfly was here too. i am taking this chance to pick up some photo of them. Here it is.

Arrived... about 2.05 pm at Pandan Perdana yet before we accidentally lost at the very big city. Surprisingly, i never thought that this place is strongly and extremely warm! no wonder people in here wearing cloth like they are going picnic to the beach.
once again...
at night, i can't even sleep very well. This because of the stall... erm... i mean the Chinese Cuisine Restaurant in front of my sisters flat. Arhhh!! don't they know how to sleep at night or can't they pay some respect to those who need sleeps at night?
My mom grumbling bout this mess...
30 MAY 2009
i woke late (is it necessary to tell??)
people was calling out of my name and i am crazy over that.
"Aki! Quick!"
"Aki! Quick!"
"Oit cepatlah!"
...i keep quiet till comes the time i lost my temper... i growled at them...
"Shut up and don't call me out my name!"
...i thought things gonna change at once...
but it ended by them laughing at me. (Aku tak cukup garang lagi ke??)
Went to UiTM Shah Alam~
Standing in the crowd and i can't even inhale a single breath very well. This place also make me sick. With no burger and rare + stupid thing.
i was too clumsy that i left my spec. i can't see well, shuffle well and seduce well (ngehehehe)...

i am fond of walking till the time i found a place where i gain some serenity. it is an art hall. i love art. When the times come, i shall put here some of my precious art.

Whoaa... The Hulk! Help!

Which one is real me? (Should i really ask that stupid question?)
So, at least this place can make me smile. thanks art...
At 2.28 pm we went to other relatives house. Since we are here, other relatives should not be neglected. That's my father. To him, family come first. i adore him on that way.
31 MAY 2009
i tag along my sister in picking up her friends. Bought some chocolate and tinge drinks. Wearing black and dark outfit. Cool huh...
After returning the convo stuff and bla bla bla...escorting my sister's friends too... we went to kak Ja house. My sister pow my credit hp (cilanat) for sending message for kak Na (Black Kitty's sister) for inviting her to kak Ja's reunion party.
we cooked some dish (salak lada, chicken soup...etc etc...i dunno the dish's name obviously)
about an hour, Black Kitty arrives. He and his family including Pendi, kak Na, kak Suri and others.
i was hiding at the bed side. Since i was wearing black suit, people can't see me. And i am supposed to ask Black Kitty "how come you can see me while others can't?"
Oh, my apologise that i forgot your DNA have a mix of a cat. XD
huh... wearing black suit too?? CEH...
1 JUNE 2009
i should have tell others that i come home earlier than i expected. this kinda journey make me tired and starving (since the weather is really temperate, i drink more than a glass of water and it make me fat at once) curse you SUN.
Went back at 11 am. Arrived home about 7.45 pm.
p/s : my apologise to these people that i disturb them with my incoming+bored messages. i am bored to death okay!
Siput Kering
Black Kitty
Welcome to KL. Dunia umpama neraka, hidup ibarat layang2.
A very warm welcoming i got here. A journey on the road about 6-7 hours could really make you bored to death i can tell. And i am afraid of these people who love puking in the car!

we drop by at perhentian Gua Musang a.k.a R&R Gua Musang. Huh? Butterfly was here too. i am taking this chance to pick up some photo of them. Here it is.

Arrived... about 2.05 pm at Pandan Perdana yet before we accidentally lost at the very big city. Surprisingly, i never thought that this place is strongly and extremely warm! no wonder people in here wearing cloth like they are going picnic to the beach.
once again...
at night, i can't even sleep very well. This because of the stall... erm... i mean the Chinese Cuisine Restaurant in front of my sisters flat. Arhhh!! don't they know how to sleep at night or can't they pay some respect to those who need sleeps at night?
My mom grumbling bout this mess...
30 MAY 2009
i woke late (is it necessary to tell??)
people was calling out of my name and i am crazy over that.
"Aki! Quick!"
"Aki! Quick!"
"Oit cepatlah!"
...i keep quiet till comes the time i lost my temper... i growled at them...
"Shut up and don't call me out my name!"
...i thought things gonna change at once...
but it ended by them laughing at me. (Aku tak cukup garang lagi ke??)
Went to UiTM Shah Alam~
Standing in the crowd and i can't even inhale a single breath very well. This place also make me sick. With no burger and rare + stupid thing.
i was too clumsy that i left my spec. i can't see well, shuffle well and seduce well (ngehehehe)...

i am fond of walking till the time i found a place where i gain some serenity. it is an art hall. i love art. When the times come, i shall put here some of my precious art.

Whoaa... The Hulk! Help!

Which one is real me? (Should i really ask that stupid question?)
So, at least this place can make me smile. thanks art...
At 2.28 pm we went to other relatives house. Since we are here, other relatives should not be neglected. That's my father. To him, family come first. i adore him on that way.
31 MAY 2009
i tag along my sister in picking up her friends. Bought some chocolate and tinge drinks. Wearing black and dark outfit. Cool huh...
After returning the convo stuff and bla bla bla...escorting my sister's friends too... we went to kak Ja house. My sister pow my credit hp (cilanat) for sending message for kak Na (Black Kitty's sister) for inviting her to kak Ja's reunion party.
we cooked some dish (salak lada, chicken soup...etc etc...i dunno the dish's name obviously)
about an hour, Black Kitty arrives. He and his family including Pendi, kak Na, kak Suri and others.
i was hiding at the bed side. Since i was wearing black suit, people can't see me. And i am supposed to ask Black Kitty "how come you can see me while others can't?"
Oh, my apologise that i forgot your DNA have a mix of a cat. XD
huh... wearing black suit too?? CEH...
1 JUNE 2009
i should have tell others that i come home earlier than i expected. this kinda journey make me tired and starving (since the weather is really temperate, i drink more than a glass of water and it make me fat at once) curse you SUN.
Went back at 11 am. Arrived home about 7.45 pm.
p/s : my apologise to these people that i disturb them with my incoming+bored messages. i am bored to death okay!
Siput Kering
Black Kitty
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Hepi Olidey all!
hari ni indeed merdeka. Both last sekolah and mid-year exam. Hopefully it ended by flying colours. At least 5A pom aku dah sujud syukur tau.
Sebelum start cuti ni, ramai gak la invite aku gi picnic. Ade tu aku dapat invite ke Jeram Pasu. Kalo ikutkan hati, aku mau. Apekan daya, kene itot family gi KL.
Sume ni gara-gara kene hadiri konvo kak aku pada 30 MAY kat UiTM Shah Alam.
So, gi KL la..
Sebelum start cuti ni, ramai gak la invite aku gi picnic. Ade tu aku dapat invite ke Jeram Pasu. Kalo ikutkan hati, aku mau. Apekan daya, kene itot family gi KL.
Sume ni gara-gara kene hadiri konvo kak aku pada 30 MAY kat UiTM Shah Alam.
So, gi KL la..
Monday, May 25, 2009
My Other Name
SHEETAH = i got dis extremely unique name based on my behavior. i love to run all over the school field and in my class. i don't care of others as long i can breath and live life to its fullest.
ASAKO = People rarely call me by dis name because only a few of them knows my doing. i created and published a comic books a long time ago with aegising the name of "hiromi asako".
ENMA AI = a couple of years later, people call me by dis name. similar to Asako but dis name is quite 'black'. i dunno how to describe out dis but i know many of you knows the character of Enma Ai in Jigoku Shoujo's story. They said my eyes and my characteristic looks exactly like her. How come huh??
KOALA = dis name is most freakiest of all!! i got dis title when i was 16 (PMR year). Ustaz Azmi Deraman call me by this name since i always fall asleep when comes to his session. hehe... he is teaching Arabia language. i don't like uh. when he comes, i fall and while i am falling, there he comes... ceh~
AKIFAYS = here is my current nick name. i like this name. And once i hope my name turn out to this. akifays amis. it is my name, i admit. But i make it upside down.
ASAKO = People rarely call me by dis name because only a few of them knows my doing. i created and published a comic books a long time ago with aegising the name of "hiromi asako".
ENMA AI = a couple of years later, people call me by dis name. similar to Asako but dis name is quite 'black'. i dunno how to describe out dis but i know many of you knows the character of Enma Ai in Jigoku Shoujo's story. They said my eyes and my characteristic looks exactly like her. How come huh??
KOALA = dis name is most freakiest of all!! i got dis title when i was 16 (PMR year). Ustaz Azmi Deraman call me by this name since i always fall asleep when comes to his session. hehe... he is teaching Arabia language. i don't like uh. when he comes, i fall and while i am falling, there he comes... ceh~
AKIFAYS = here is my current nick name. i like this name. And once i hope my name turn out to this. akifays amis. it is my name, i admit. But i make it upside down.
Friday, May 22, 2009
zero season inside me
Why do people blame me for everything that is not my fault? am i look like a criminal or what? Or i got a 'kid' face and people underestimate me as a child? Even my cousin Shakhmar said "Your face looks like easily to get bullied".
Amongst my school friends, there are many of them love to take advantage of my kindness. i don't mind as long as i can stay haven. Yeah, you can keep bullying me.
i don't have any feeling.
Not angry, sad, emo...
all i know is just smiling. Maybe that is why others calling me 'sedow'. Yet i got other title too which is Enma Ai, Asako, Sheetah, Koala...etc,etc... i shall tell how come i got so many nick name at school later.
i went berserk only when people hurt my friends or pull my scarf away. Like i did to my uncle; i punch him. Not good, really. So, don't be like me uh.
similar things happen to my friends a couple of years ago. They caught up in urban fighting and i am also the only person who kick out the person that attacking my friends.
do i live for myself...?
do i live for others...?
the answer is...*tut*
Amongst my school friends, there are many of them love to take advantage of my kindness. i don't mind as long as i can stay haven. Yeah, you can keep bullying me.
i don't have any feeling.
Not angry, sad, emo...
all i know is just smiling. Maybe that is why others calling me 'sedow'. Yet i got other title too which is Enma Ai, Asako, Sheetah, Koala...etc,etc... i shall tell how come i got so many nick name at school later.
i went berserk only when people hurt my friends or pull my scarf away. Like i did to my uncle; i punch him. Not good, really. So, don't be like me uh.
similar things happen to my friends a couple of years ago. They caught up in urban fighting and i am also the only person who kick out the person that attacking my friends.
do i live for myself...?
do i live for others...?
the answer is...*tut*
Ekonomi Asas punye pasal
Aku gi skolah hari ni, macam2 jadik. Ni da masuk hari minggu ke-2 aku exam mid year examination and hari ni exam both paper Ekonomi Asas. Seperti biase di pagi hari aku stat bace buku EA.
Sambil2 dok bace buku, ade lah 1-2 kawan aku ngacau. Bercerita tentang surat PLKN yang baru sampai kat umah aku. Doam tanye aku dpt katne...
"Aku dapat kat bank..."
eh...ape aku sebut??.. Aku tak tau samada ni kesan dari terlampau fokus aku pada EA sampai jadik cmni. OK. Kite try orang lain lak.
Kawan aku si Nicky suke sgt kacau kwn yang melatah..amek soam jadik mangsanye...
"Mak, itik...sistem ekonomi...,"
dah sah...bukn aku soam je yang kurang siuman di pagi ni...wakakakaka
Kembali ke kantin sekolah, aku ternampak sekumpulan warga2 maahad y turut kurang suiman sepertiku.
Ye laa...ape kejadahnye membace lam parit cik kak oii... Dah sah la berite sal kecelakaan aku jatuh parit dulu tersebar luas. Sape yang sebar sal kisah silam aku weyy???
Huh ekaw ke...??
>>>>>>>>>>>> si tikus
Sambil2 dok bace buku, ade lah 1-2 kawan aku ngacau. Bercerita tentang surat PLKN yang baru sampai kat umah aku. Doam tanye aku dpt katne...
"Aku dapat kat bank..."
eh...ape aku sebut??.. Aku tak tau samada ni kesan dari terlampau fokus aku pada EA sampai jadik cmni. OK. Kite try orang lain lak.
Kawan aku si Nicky suke sgt kacau kwn yang melatah..amek soam jadik mangsanye...
"Mak, itik...sistem ekonomi...,"
dah sah...bukn aku soam je yang kurang siuman di pagi ni...wakakakaka
Kembali ke kantin sekolah, aku ternampak sekumpulan warga2 maahad y turut kurang suiman sepertiku.
Ye laa...ape kejadahnye membace lam parit cik kak oii... Dah sah la berite sal kecelakaan aku jatuh parit dulu tersebar luas. Sape yang sebar sal kisah silam aku weyy???
Huh ekaw ke...??
>>>>>>>>>>>> si tikus
nightcrawler XD
today as other day...
walking to the same journey...
taking the same path...
just you and i...
just now, about 5 hours ago ( i count it! ) my family and i went to Kota Bharu as mom going to saving up her money and feed some to my 2nd brother.
on the road, abah said that he wants to drop in kbmall for a while since he got a plenty of things to do ( bout his work, his job )...
so, here's some pic i got from the rooftop...

a black beauty flutterby...
since i got one by myself...
i'll keep it...
walking to the same journey...
taking the same path...
just you and i...
just now, about 5 hours ago ( i count it! ) my family and i went to Kota Bharu as mom going to saving up her money and feed some to my 2nd brother.
on the road, abah said that he wants to drop in kbmall for a while since he got a plenty of things to do ( bout his work, his job )...
so, here's some pic i got from the rooftop...

a black beauty flutterby...
since i got one by myself...
i'll keep it...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
in dilemma - help me!
First of all, sorry arr... i don't really have time to chat or message u all.. even to my very own blog. i don't really understand. Maybe its hard enough to log in to this blog or YM. huh?? TIM KAI~?
Ahem.. maybe because of my little finger could not approach the letters correctly.
therefore, it ended by me writing "empty_soup".. err.. maybe i am way too hungry..
Next week we (my family) will be going to Pandan Perdana.. i am not really sure as if i am going to make it. i did want but i have another appointment that force me to attend to. it's not a date!
in order to gain rejoice in spm, i am in dilemma. i dunno which one is the best answer. but vacation in kL sure attracts me like magnet. .....arrrrr..... (terkene kejutan gadisELEKTRIK)
p/s: which one is better? Cirit or Die? opss....
Ahem.. maybe because of my little finger could not approach the letters correctly.
therefore, it ended by me writing "empty_soup".. err.. maybe i am way too hungry..
Next week we (my family) will be going to Pandan Perdana.. i am not really sure as if i am going to make it. i did want but i have another appointment that force me to attend to. it's not a date!
in order to gain rejoice in spm, i am in dilemma. i dunno which one is the best answer. but vacation in kL sure attracts me like magnet. .....arrrrr..... (terkene kejutan gadisELEKTRIK)
p/s: which one is better? Cirit or Die? opss....
Sunday, May 17, 2009
All About Malaysia
Malaysia is on the Malay Peninsula in southeast Asia. The nation also includes Sabah and Sarawak on the island of Borneo to the east. Its area slightly exceeds that of New Mexico.
Most of Malaysia is covered by forest, with a mountain range running the length of the peninsula. Extensive forests provide ebony, sandalwood, teak, and other woods.
Constitutional monarchy.
The ancestors of the people that now inhabit the Malaysian peninsula first migrated to the area between 2500 and 1500 B.C. Those living in the coastal regions had early contact with Chinese and Indians; seafaring traders from India brought with them Hinduism, which was blended with the local animist beliefs. As Muslims conquered India, they spread the religion of Islam to Malaysia. In the 15th century A.D., Islam acquired a firm hold on the region when the Hindu ruler of the powerful city-state of Malacca, Parameswara Dewa Shah, converted to Islam.
British and Dutch interest in the region grew in the 1800s, with the British East India Company establishment of a trading settlement on the island of Singapore. Trade soared, with Singapore's population growing from only 5,000 in 1820 to nearly 100,000 in just 50 years. In the 1880s, Britain formally established protectorates in Malaysia. At about the same time, rubber trees were introduced from Brazil. With the mass production of automobiles, rubber became a valuable export, and laborers were brought in from India to work the rubber plantations.
Forming the Independent State of Malaysia
Following the Japanese occupation of Malaysia during World War II, a growing nationalist movement prompted the British to establish the semiautonomous Federation of Malaya in 1948. But Communist guerrillas took to the jungles to begin a war of national liberation against the British, who declared a state of emergency to quell the insurgency, which lasted until 1960.
The independent state of Malaysia came into existence on Sept. 16, 1963, as a federation of Malaya, Singapore, Sabah (North Borneo), and Sarawak. In 1965, Singapore withdrew from the federation to become a separate nation. Since 1966, the 11 states of former Malaya have been known as West Malaysia, and Sabah and Sarawak as East Malaysia.
By the late 1960s Malaysia was torn by communal rioting directed against Chinese and Indians, who controlled a disproportionate share of the country's wealth. Beginning in 1968, the government moved to achieve greater economic balance through a national economic policy.
Economic Reform and Growth
In the 1980s, Dr. Mohamad Mahathir succeeded Datuk Hussein as prime minister. Mahathir instituted economic reforms that would transform Malaysia into one of the so-called Asian Tigers. Throughout the 1990s, Mahathir embarked on a massive project to build a new capital from scratch in an attempt to bypass congested Kuala Lumpur.
Beginning in 1997 and continuing through the next year, Malaysia suffered from the Asian currency crisis. Instead of following the economic prescriptions of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, the prime minister opted for fixed exchange rates and capital controls. In late 1999, Malaysia was on the road to economic recovery, and it appeared Mahathir's measures were working.
Abdullah Badawi Tries to Reduce Government Corruption
In Oct. 2003, Mahathir retired after 22 years in office. His rule led to his country's enormous economic growth but was also characterized by repression and human rights abuses. Malaysia's new prime minister, Abdullah Badawi, had a more statesmanlike reputation, and in his first year in office he made headway on reducing corruption and instituting reforms. In March 2004, the ruling National Front coalition won an astonishing 90% of parliamentary seats, and Abdullah was reelected on his own merits.
The governing coalition under Prime Minister Badawi suffered a stunning defeat in March 2008's parliamentary elections. Opposition parties quadrupled their representation in Parliament, and Badawi's coalition, although it won 136 of 222 seats in Parliament, lost its two-thirds majority, which is necessary to amend the Constitution, and control of five state assemblies. It was the worst showing for the National Front coalition in four decades. Shortly after the election, Badawi trimmed his cabinet, removing several ministers who had been accused of corruption, and appointed a prominent lawyer to oversee judicial reform.
Leading opposition figure Anwar Ibrahim was arrested and jailed on suspicion of sodomy in July 2008—for a second time. Ten years earlier, when he was serving as deputy prime minister, he was convicted of sodomy and corruption. The conviction was overturned after he spent six years in jail. Anwar denied the charges both times, claiming to have been set up by the government—allegations that had a broad base of supporters, both domestically and abroad. Prior to each arrest, Anwar's political challenge to the governing party had been gaining momentum. Indeed, days before his arrest, he had announced plans to run for Parliament. In August, Anwar won a by-election to return to Parliament after a 10-year absence. He defeated the government party's candidate, 31,196 to 15,524.
In March 2009, the ruling United Malays National Organization chose Najib Razak to succeed Abdullah Badawi as Prime Minister of the nation and leader of the party. Razak has promised to make big changes in the ruling party, which is facing renewed competition. However, Razak is largely viewed as an insider who is too entrenched in party politics to follow through on his promises of reform.
Malaysia is on the Malay Peninsula in southeast Asia. The nation also includes Sabah and Sarawak on the island of Borneo to the east. Its area slightly exceeds that of New Mexico.
Most of Malaysia is covered by forest, with a mountain range running the length of the peninsula. Extensive forests provide ebony, sandalwood, teak, and other woods.
Constitutional monarchy.
The ancestors of the people that now inhabit the Malaysian peninsula first migrated to the area between 2500 and 1500 B.C. Those living in the coastal regions had early contact with Chinese and Indians; seafaring traders from India brought with them Hinduism, which was blended with the local animist beliefs. As Muslims conquered India, they spread the religion of Islam to Malaysia. In the 15th century A.D., Islam acquired a firm hold on the region when the Hindu ruler of the powerful city-state of Malacca, Parameswara Dewa Shah, converted to Islam.
British and Dutch interest in the region grew in the 1800s, with the British East India Company establishment of a trading settlement on the island of Singapore. Trade soared, with Singapore's population growing from only 5,000 in 1820 to nearly 100,000 in just 50 years. In the 1880s, Britain formally established protectorates in Malaysia. At about the same time, rubber trees were introduced from Brazil. With the mass production of automobiles, rubber became a valuable export, and laborers were brought in from India to work the rubber plantations.
Forming the Independent State of Malaysia
Following the Japanese occupation of Malaysia during World War II, a growing nationalist movement prompted the British to establish the semiautonomous Federation of Malaya in 1948. But Communist guerrillas took to the jungles to begin a war of national liberation against the British, who declared a state of emergency to quell the insurgency, which lasted until 1960.
The independent state of Malaysia came into existence on Sept. 16, 1963, as a federation of Malaya, Singapore, Sabah (North Borneo), and Sarawak. In 1965, Singapore withdrew from the federation to become a separate nation. Since 1966, the 11 states of former Malaya have been known as West Malaysia, and Sabah and Sarawak as East Malaysia.
By the late 1960s Malaysia was torn by communal rioting directed against Chinese and Indians, who controlled a disproportionate share of the country's wealth. Beginning in 1968, the government moved to achieve greater economic balance through a national economic policy.
Economic Reform and Growth
In the 1980s, Dr. Mohamad Mahathir succeeded Datuk Hussein as prime minister. Mahathir instituted economic reforms that would transform Malaysia into one of the so-called Asian Tigers. Throughout the 1990s, Mahathir embarked on a massive project to build a new capital from scratch in an attempt to bypass congested Kuala Lumpur.
Beginning in 1997 and continuing through the next year, Malaysia suffered from the Asian currency crisis. Instead of following the economic prescriptions of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, the prime minister opted for fixed exchange rates and capital controls. In late 1999, Malaysia was on the road to economic recovery, and it appeared Mahathir's measures were working.
Abdullah Badawi Tries to Reduce Government Corruption
In Oct. 2003, Mahathir retired after 22 years in office. His rule led to his country's enormous economic growth but was also characterized by repression and human rights abuses. Malaysia's new prime minister, Abdullah Badawi, had a more statesmanlike reputation, and in his first year in office he made headway on reducing corruption and instituting reforms. In March 2004, the ruling National Front coalition won an astonishing 90% of parliamentary seats, and Abdullah was reelected on his own merits.
The governing coalition under Prime Minister Badawi suffered a stunning defeat in March 2008's parliamentary elections. Opposition parties quadrupled their representation in Parliament, and Badawi's coalition, although it won 136 of 222 seats in Parliament, lost its two-thirds majority, which is necessary to amend the Constitution, and control of five state assemblies. It was the worst showing for the National Front coalition in four decades. Shortly after the election, Badawi trimmed his cabinet, removing several ministers who had been accused of corruption, and appointed a prominent lawyer to oversee judicial reform.
Leading opposition figure Anwar Ibrahim was arrested and jailed on suspicion of sodomy in July 2008—for a second time. Ten years earlier, when he was serving as deputy prime minister, he was convicted of sodomy and corruption. The conviction was overturned after he spent six years in jail. Anwar denied the charges both times, claiming to have been set up by the government—allegations that had a broad base of supporters, both domestically and abroad. Prior to each arrest, Anwar's political challenge to the governing party had been gaining momentum. Indeed, days before his arrest, he had announced plans to run for Parliament. In August, Anwar won a by-election to return to Parliament after a 10-year absence. He defeated the government party's candidate, 31,196 to 15,524.
In March 2009, the ruling United Malays National Organization chose Najib Razak to succeed Abdullah Badawi as Prime Minister of the nation and leader of the party. Razak has promised to make big changes in the ruling party, which is facing renewed competition. However, Razak is largely viewed as an insider who is too entrenched in party politics to follow through on his promises of reform.
News of Malaysia
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